LO8: The Creative Practice of an Individual

Lecturer: Sasha Costanza-Chock

Eyeo 2019 – Sasha Costanza-Chock on Vimeo

Sasha Constanza-Chock (they/she) is a design researcher who works in the field of design justice through community-led processes. They focus on dismantling the matrix of domination and oppression through design processes. Constanza-Chock is the Director of Research and Design at the Algorithmic Justice League and is a associate professor at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I really admire their work in using the power of design thinking and solutions to dismantle the systems of oppression of white
supremacy, heteropatriarchy, capitalism, and settle colonialism. I’m really passionate about inclusive design, where co-designing with actual communities involved in the problems are given an opportunity to be involved in a fair and meaningful design process. In terms of the presentation itself, I really appreciated the way that Constanza-Chock broke down their topics into easily digestible and understandable segments.

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