Project 03: Dynamic Drawing

// John Henley; 15-104 section D

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);

function draw() {
    // top-originating lines
    stroke(mouseX/10, 175, mouseY/10);
    curve(width, height, mouseY/10, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/9, 175, mouseY/9);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/9, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/8, 175, mouseY/8);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/8, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/7, 175, mouseY/7);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/7, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/6, 175, mouseY/6);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/6, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/5, 175, mouseY/5);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/5, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/4, 175, mouseY/4);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/4, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/3, 175, mouseY/3);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/3, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/2, 175, mouseY/2);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/2, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/1.5, 175, mouseY/1.5);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/1.5, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/1.25, 175, mouseY/1.25);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY/1.25, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX, 175, mouseY);    
    curve(width, height, mouseY, 0, 500, mouseY, 0, mouseY);

    // right-originating lines
    stroke(mouseX/10, mouseY/10, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/10, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/9, mouseY/9, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/9, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/8, mouseY/8, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/8, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/7, mouseY/7, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/7, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/6, mouseY/6, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/6, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/5, mouseY/5, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/5, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/4, mouseY/4, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/4, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/3, mouseY/3, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/3, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/2, mouseY/2, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/2, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/1.5, mouseY/1.5, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/1.5, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);
    stroke(mouseX/1.25, mouseY/1.25, 175);
    curve(width, 0, width, height/1.25, mouseX, 500, 0, mouseY);

    // left-originating lines
    stroke(175, mouseY/10, mouseX/10);
    curve(0, height, 0, height/10, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/9, mouseX/9);
    curve(0, height, 0, height/9, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/8, mouseX/8);
    curve(0, height, 0, height/8, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/7, mouseX/7);    
    curve(0, height, 0, height/7, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/6, mouseX/6);    
    curve(0, height, 0, height/6, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/5, mouseX/5);    
    curve(0, height, 0, height/5, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/4, mouseX/4);    
    curve(0, height, 0, height/4, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/3, mouseX/3);    
    curve(0, height, 0, height/3, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/2, mouseX/2);    
    curve(0, height, 0, height/2, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/1.5, mouseX/1.5);    
    curve(0, height, 0, height/1.5, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
    stroke(175, mouseY/1.25, mouseX/1.25);    
    curve(0, height, 0, height/1.25, width, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);

Project 3 – Dynamic Drawing

gnmarino-03Spacecraft Drawing

var xCord = 300;
var yCord = 225;
var intSize = 1;
//for RBG color values
var intRed = 127;
var intGreen = 0;
var intBlue = 127;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);

function draw() {
    background (200);

    fill(intRed, intGreen, intBlue);

    // Change Red attribute (RGB) color as mouse moves across screen

    intRed = 255 - (mouseX / 2.3529);

    // Change Blue attribute (RGB) color as mouse moves across screen

    intBlue = (mouseX / 2.3529);
    //changes size as mouse moves horizontally 
    intSize = xCord * .01

    //if mouse is on left side then spaceship points to the left
    if (width/2 > mouseX) {
        //draws polygon
            vertex(xCord, yCord);
            vertex(xCord + (5 * intSize) , yCord - (5 * intSize));
            vertex(xCord + (15 * intSize), yCord - (5 * intSize));
            vertex(xCord + (30 * intSize), yCord - (15 * intSize));
            vertex(xCord + (30 * intSize), yCord);

        //if mouse is on right side then spaceship points to the right
    }else {
                vertex(xCord, yCord);
                vertex(xCord - (5 * intSize) , yCord - (5 * intSize));
                vertex(xCord - (15 * intSize), yCord - (5 * intSize));
                vertex(xCord - (30 * intSize), yCord - (15 * intSize));
                vertex(xCord - (30 * intSize), yCord);

    yCord = mouseY;

   // Don't let object go off canvas if mouseY coordinate goes off canvas
    if (yCord < 0) {
        yCord = 0;

    if (yCord > 450) {
        yCord = 450;

    xCord = mouseX;

   // Don't let object go off canvas if mouseX coordinate goes off canvas
    if (xCord < 0) {
        xCord = 0;

    if (xCord > 600) {
        xCord = 600;


This project was difficult because it was hard to keep track of how the math is working and where your coordinates are, especially while trying to rotate and flip objects.

Also, at first I had a hard time finding an idea that sticks to the parameters and was constricted and always predictable.

Here is my starting drawing of trying to create my idea.

Project 3: Dynamic Drawing

For this project I wanted to mess around with 3D geometries. I used the mouse position to change the size, and color of various objects as well as the color and the position of a point light source.

sketch 3

//Tim Nelson-Pyne
//Section C

var diameterA = 5;
var diameterB = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 600, WEBGL);

function draw() {

    //sets the background color and changes it based on mouse position
    background((mouseY/width)*255, 0, 255-(mouseX/width)*255);

    //sets the material for all 3d objects and allows the color to be changed based on mouse position
    specularMaterial(255-(mouseX/width)*255, (mouseY/width)*255, (mouseX/width)*255); 
    //creates a point light and moves it and changes its color based on mouse position
    pointLight((mouseY/width)*255, 0, 255-(mouseX/width)*255, mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);

    //changes the size of the spheres based on mouseX position
    diameterA = 100 * sin(PI *mouseX/450);

    //changes the size of the boxes based on mouseX position
    //also changes the diameter of the torus
    diameterB = 100 * cos(PI *mouseY/600);



    //draws top right sphere and box
    translate(width/4, height/4);

    //draws bottom right sphere and box
    translate(width/4, -height/4);

    //draws top left sphere and box
    translate(-width/4, height/4);

    //draws bottom left sphere and box
    translate(-width/4, -height/4);

    //draws middle sphere and torus
    torus(2*diameterB, mouseY/4);




function mousePressed() {


Project 3 – Dynamic Drawing


//changing RGB colors
var R = 0;
var G = 0;
var B = 0;

//assigned in mousePressed to print and save color to rect
var tempR = 255;
var tempG = 255;
var tempB = 255;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 640);

function mousePressed() {
    print('R: ' + R.toString())
    print('G: ' + G.toString())
    print('B: ' + B.toString())

    //stores current RGB untill mousePressed again
    tempR = R;
    tempG = G;
    tempB = B;

function draw() {

    var lim = 140; //map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255);
    var diff = 255-lim;
    var index = 0;

    background(R, G, B);

    //color save
    fill(tempR, tempG, tempB);
    square(10, 10, 100);

    //color fader
    if (mouseY < height/6) {
        index = map(mouseY, 0, height/6, lim, 255)
        R = 255;
        G = lim;
        B = index;
    } else if ((mouseY >= height/6) & (mouseY < 2*height/6)) {
        index = map(mouseY, height/6, 2*height/6, 0, diff)
        R = 255 - index;
        G = lim;
        B = 255;
    } else if ((mouseY >= 2*height/6) & (mouseY < 3*height/6)) {
        index = map(mouseY, 2*height/6, 3*height/6, lim, 255)
        R = lim;
        G = index;
        B = 255;
    } else if ((mouseY >= 3*height/6) & (mouseY < 4*height/6)) {
        index = map(mouseY, 3*height/6, 4*height/6, 0, diff)
        R = lim;
        G = 255;
        B = 255 - index;
    } else if ((mouseY >= 4*height/6) & (mouseY < 5*height/6)) {
        index = map(mouseY, 4*height/6, 5*height/6, lim, 255)
        R = index;
        G = 255;
        B = lim;
    } else {
        index = map(mouseY, 5*height/6, 6*height/6, 0, diff)
        R = 255;
        G = 255-index;
        B = lim;

    var deg = map(mouseY, 0, width, 0, 360);
    var cirSize = 10;
    var cirX = mouseX/2 //x dist from mouse
    var cirY = mouseY/2 //y dist from mouse

    var sunY = map(mouseY, 0, height, -0.4*height, 1.4*height);
    fill(255, 113, 124);
    ellipse(width/2, sunY, 700);

    fill(255-R, 255-G, 255-B);
    translate(mouseX, mouseY);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);

    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);

    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);
    ellipse(cirX, cirY, cirSize);


Project 3: Dynamic Drawing

var r = 161;
var g = 242;
var b = 228;
var eyesX = 5;
var eyesY =7;
function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);
    background(r, g, b);
    text("ribbit", 550, 430);

function draw() {
//setup for color of the water
    background(r, g, b, 100);
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 50, 50);
        background(17, 38, 92, 100);
    } else if (mouseX<400){
        background(26, 147, 139, 100);

//this draws water ripples
//left most ripple
ellipse(5, height/2, 200*mouseX*0.01, 200*mouseX*0.01);
ellipse(5, height/2, 200*mouseX*0.004, 200*mouseX*0.004);
//bottom ripple
ellipse(300, 360, 200*mouseX*0.01, 200*mouseX*0.01);
ellipse(300, 360, 200*mouseX*0.004, 200*mouseX*0.004);

//right ripple
ellipse(580, 160, 200*mouseX*0.01, 200*mouseX*0.01);
ellipse(580, 160, 200*mouseX*0.004, 200*mouseX*0.004);

//draws lilypads above the water
    fill(112, 221, 85, 255);
        fill(21, 57, 42, 255);
    } else if (mouseX<400) {
        fill(25, 131, 36, 255);
    ellipse(70, 90, 150, 95);
    ellipse(190, 50, 190, 110);
    ellipse(300, 280, 165, 110);
    ellipse(80, 400, 170, 140);
    ellipse(550, 90, 230, 120);
    ellipse(430, 135, 160, 95);
    ellipse(530, 430, 220, 130);

//draws shadow of lilypads
    fill(112, 221, 85, 70);
        fill(21, 57, 42, 70);
    } else if (mouseX<400) {
        fill(25, 131, 36, 70);
    ellipse(60, 90, 130, 95);
    ellipse(180, 50, 190, 110);
    ellipse(290, 280, 165, 110);
    ellipse(70, 400, 170, 140);
    ellipse(540, 90, 230, 120);
    ellipse(420, 135, 160, 95);
    ellipse(520, 430, 220, 130);

//draws frog figure
    fill(63, 190, 31, 255);
        fill(11, 129, 80);
    } else if(mouseX<400){
        fill(9, 101, 18);
    rect(40, 60, 50, 50);
    rect(40, 50, 20, 20);
    rect(70, 50, 20, 20);
    rect(77, 89, 21, 21);
    rect(30, 89, 21, 21);
//frog tummy
    fill(119, 202, 137);
    rect(51, 85, 28, 25);
//frog eyes
    rect(45, 52, 10, 10);
    rect(75, 52, 10, 10);

//frog pupils
    rect(47, 55, eyesX, eyesY);
    rect(77, 55, eyesX, eyesY);
    rect(50, 70, 29, 2);
    rect(39, 96, 1, 14);
    rect(89, 96, 1, 14);

//draws frog under water
fill(63, 190, 31, 255);
        fill(11, 129, 80);
    } else if(mouseX<400){
        fill(9, 101, 18);
    rect(40+mouseX*0.5, 190, 60, 20);
    rect(40+mouseX*0.5, 180, 20, 20);
    rect(80+mouseX*0.5, 180, 20, 20);

//frog eyes
rect(45+mouseX*0.5, 182, 10, 10);
rect(85+mouseX*0.5, 182, 10, 10);

//frog pupils
rect(47+mouseX*0.5, 185, eyesX, eyesY);
rect(87+mouseX*0.5, 185, eyesX, eyesY);
rect(55+mouseX*0.5, 200, 29, 2);

Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

My Project

//sets up RGB values for color change;
var colorR = 236;
var colorG = 47;
var colorB = 19;
var colorR2 = 22;
var colorG2 = 167;
var colorB2 = 233;
//sets up angle variable that moves center rectangle;
var angle = 1;
//sets up direction variable that determines which direction said rectangle rotates;
var dir = 1;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(650, 400);
    //text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    //creates a background that changes color dependant on which;
    //side of the canvas the mouse is on;
    background(colorR, colorG, colorB);
    //makes the rectangles based on the center of themselves; 
    //allows the rectangles to change color dependant on which;
    //side of the cnavas the mouse is on;
    fill(colorR2, colorG2, colorB2);
    //creates the 2 rectangles nearer to the perimeter of the canvas;
    //they are opposite each other in direction and location;
    //they increase in size when the mouse is on the right side and decrease when on the left;
    rect(constrain(mouseX, 50, 600), 50, max(50, min(mouseX, 300)), max(50, min(mouseX, 300)));
    rect(max(600 - mouseX, 50), 350, max(50, min(mouseX, 300)), max(50, min(mouseX, 300)));
    //I used existing RGB values to make the center rectangle have dynamic color change as well;
    fill(colorR, colorG2, colorB);
    //allows for the center rectangle to rotate;
    translate(325, 200);
    rect(0, 0, max(250-mouseX, 50), max(250-mouseX, 50));
    angle = angle + (dir*1);
    //changes the color between color depending on which side the mouse is on;
    if ( ((colorR != 22) & (colorG != 167) 
        && (colorB != 233)) && mouseX > 325 ){
        colorR -= 1; 
        colorG += 1; 
        colorB += 1;
    else if ( ((colorR != 236) & (colorG != 47) 
        && (colorB != 19)) && mouseX < 325 ){
        colorR += 1;
        colorG -= 1;
        colorB -= 1;
    if ( ((colorR2 != 22) & (colorG2 != 167) 
        && (colorB2 != 233)) && mouseX < 325 ){
        colorR2 -= 1; 
        colorG2 += 1; 
        colorB2 += 1;
    else if ( ((colorR2 != 236) & (colorG2 != 47) 
        && (colorB2 != 19)) && mouseX > 325 ){
        colorR2 += 1;
        colorG2 -= 1;
        colorB2 -= 1;
    //changes the dir variable and thereby the direction of the center rectangle;
    //dependant on which side of the canvas the mouse is on;
    if (mouseX < 325){
        dir = -1;
        dir = 1;


I originally had something more complex but I changed it to something simpler. And I like how it is now.

Project 3: Dynamic Drawing

//Yeon Lee, Section C
//Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

var s = 100;
var starY = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);

function draw() {
    let s = map(mouseX, 0, width/2, 50, 100); 
    background(s, 100, 140); //use mouseX to change the background color and change the size of the moon/sun
    //moon + sun (could be either - moon on blue background and sun on pink background)
    fill(255, 250, 198); 
    ellipse(s, s, s);
    s = 450 - mouseY; //use mouseY to scroll stars up and down (stars are up at night and they go down when it becomes the sun)
    fill(255, 250, 198, 200);
    circle(30, 30 + starY, 5);
    circle(40, 200 + starY, 5);
    circle(50, 100 + starY, 5);
    circle(70, 50 + starY, 5);
    circle(90, 100 + starY, 5);    
    circle(120, 130 + starY, 5);
    circle(150, 200 + starY, 5);
    circle(170, 40 + starY, 5);
    circle(200, 150 + starY, 5);
    circle(240, 100 + starY, 5);    
    circle(260, 240 + starY, 5);
    circle(290, 150 + starY, 5);
    circle(310, 40 + starY, 5);
    circle(330, 150 + starY, 5);
    circle(360, 30 + starY, 5);
    circle(380, 200 + starY, 5);
    circle(410, 50 + starY, 5);
    circle(440, 100 + starY, 5);    
    circle(470, 260 + starY, 5);
    circle(490, 150 + starY, 5);
    circle(510, 40 + starY, 5);
    circle(530, 150 + starY, 5);
    circle(550, 100 + starY, 5);  
    circle(570, 200 + starY, 5);
    circle(580, 150 + starY, 5);
    circle(590, 40 + starY, 5);
    starY = mouseY;

    fill(255, 255, 255, 100);
    rect(mouseX - 60, 30, 50, 25, 20); //use mouseX to move clouds left and right
    rect(mouseX, 30, 150, 25, 20);
    rect(mouseX - 20, 65, 120, 25, 20);
    rect(mouseX + 180, 130, 100, 25, 20);  
    rect(mouseX + 160, 150, 80, 25, 20);
    rect(mouseX + 290, 55, 35, 25, 20);
    rect(mouseX + 335, 55, 110, 25, 20);
    rect(mouseX + 365, 35, 130, 25, 20);
    fill(199, 141, 110); //third layer: light brown
    rect(0, 340, 600);
    rect(-100, 310, 330, 300, 20);    
    rect(0, 300, 130, 300, 20);
    ellipse(100, 345, 300, 50);
    ellipse(400, 360, 450, 60);
    rect(330, 320, 330, 400, 20);
    rect(420, 300, 330, 400, 20);
    rect(480, 290, 330, 400, 20);
    rect(540, 260, 330, 400, 20);
    fill(186, 85, 73); //second layer: red brown
    rect(0, 380, 600);
    rect(-20, 340, 140, 60, 300);
    rect(-50, 360, 260, 60, 300);
    ellipse(200, 390, 200, 40);  
    ellipse(400, 380, 500, 60); 
    fill(92, 21, 13); //first layer: dark brown
    rect(mouseX, 410, 600); //use mouseX to move the foreground left and right 
    ellipse(mouseX + 100, 410, 500, 20);
    ellipse(mouseX + 250, 405, 500, 30);
    rect(mouseX + 300, 360, 400, 300, 20);
    rect(mouseX + 340, 320, 400, 300, 20);
    rect(mouseX - 1000, 370, 500, 300, 20);
    rect(mouseX - 900, 350, 300, 300, 20);
    rect(mouseX - 2000, 400, 3000, 300);
    fill(39, 7, 4);
    rect(mouseX - 420, 250, 25, 170, 5);
    ellipse(mouseX - 407.5, 251, 25, 28);
    rect(mouseX - 460, 330, 60, 20, 10);
    rect(mouseX - 460, 290, 20, 60, 20);

    rect(mouseX + 130, 250, 25, 170, 5);
    ellipse(mouseX + 142.5, 251, 25, 28);
    rect(mouseX + 130, 280, 60, 15, 10);
    rect(mouseX + 175, 250, 15, 40, 10);
    rect(mouseX + 90, 330, 60, 20, 10);
    rect(mouseX + 90, 290, 20, 60, 20);

I was inspired by an artwork I found online and decided I would love to animate this illustration. I changed the background color from blue (representing night) to pink (representing sunrise). As user moves from left to right, the moon expands in size, depicting like a sun, and the cloud moves accordingly as well. Simultaneously, as user moves up and down, the stars shine at night. This project was really fun to play with mouseX and mouseY motions as well as use dynamic shapes to create a beautiful scenery.

Project 3: Dynamic Drawing


var x = 1
var y = .75

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 600);

function draw() {
    background(200, 100, 0); // orange background
    rect(0, 0, mouseX*x, mouseY*y); // top left rect
    rect(450, 600, mouseX*x, mouseY*y); // bottom right rect
    fill(200, 75, 75);
    triangle(mouseX, mouseY*y, mouseX*1.25, mouseY+30,
        mouseX*.75, mouseY+30); // cursor triangle

It was interesting trying to find variables to incorporate other than mouseX and mouseY. I ultimately decided to go with something simple just because the layers of drawing looked cleaner.

Dynamic Drawing


var angle = 80;

function setup() {
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
	background(mouseX,mouseY, 155);

	/*This part of the code draws two ellipses of grass green color. I used push() and pop()
	commans to remember new positions of two ellipses due to translation and rotation*/
	if(mouseX>300) {
	    fill(124, 252, 0);
	    translate(300, 300); //chnages a (0, 0) point to (300, 300)
	    rotate(radians(50)); //rotates an ellipse 50 degrees in radians clockwise
	    ellipse(66, 20, 30, 70);
	    rotate(radians(-83)); //rotates an ellipse 80 degrees in radians counterclockwise
	    ellipse(-30, 20, 25, 50);

	//This part of the code draws dark green stem of a flower
	fill(0, 100, 0);
	rect(298, 230, 5, mouseX);
    //This part of the code restricts mouseX to 0-115
	var m = max(min(mouseX, 115), 0);
    var size = m * 350.0 / 400.0;

    /*I used push() and pop() commands to remember new positions of petals becuase I used 
    translation and rotation. I drew 9 petals of a flower by rotating them 40 degrees in radians
    from previous petal's location*/
    fill(55, mouseX, mouseY, 150); /*This changes the color of petals in regards with (x,y)
    location and it has 150 transparency*/
    translate(300, 225); //changes a (0, 0) point to (300, 225)
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35); 
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35);
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35);
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35);
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35);
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35);
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35);
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35);
    ellipse(0 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 0, 100, 35);
    //This part of the code draws a stigma of a flower
    fill(150, mouseX, mouseY); /*This changes the color of stigma in regards with (x,y)
    circle(300, 225, 15);	

    //This part of the code draws 3 cluds that are moving with regards of mouseX
    fill(max(mouseX, mouseY)); /*This changes clouds' color by choosing the greater value from
    mouseX and mouseY locations*/
    ellipse(mouseX, 50, 70, 35);
    ellipse(mouseX+25, 40, 50, 20);
    ellipse(mouseX-25, 60, 50, 20);
    ellipse(mouseX+120, 80, 70, 35);
    ellipse(mouseX+145, 70, 50, 20);
    ellipse(mouseX+95, 90, 50, 20);

    ellipse(mouseX+240, 25, 70, 35);
    ellipse(mouseX+265, 15, 50, 20);
    ellipse(mouseX+215, 35, 50, 20);
    //This part of the code draws grass
    fill(55, 143, 80); 
    //first moving part of grass in regards with mouseX
    triangle(mouseX-540, 450, mouseX-530, 400, mouseX-520, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-520, 450, mouseX-510, 400, mouseX-500, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-500, 450, mouseX-490, 400, mouseX-480, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-480, 450, mouseX-470, 400, mouseX-460, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-460, 450, mouseX-450, 400, mouseX-440, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-440, 450, mouseX-430, 400, mouseX-420, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-420, 450, mouseX-410, 400, mouseX-400, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-400, 450, mouseX-390, 400, mouseX-380, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-380, 450, mouseX-370, 400, mouseX-360, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-360, 450, mouseX-350, 400, mouseX-340, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-340, 450, mouseX-330, 400, mouseX-320, 450);
    //constant part of grass
    triangle(200, 450, 210, 400, 220, 450);
    triangle(220, 450, 230, 400, 240, 450);
    triangle(240, 450, 250, 400, 260, 450);
    triangle(260, 450, 270, 400, 280, 450);
    triangle(280, 450, 290, 400, 300, 450);
    triangle(300, 450, 310, 400, 320, 450);
    triangle(320, 450, 330, 400, 340, 450);
    triangle(340, 450, 350, 400, 360, 450);
    triangle(360, 450, 370, 400, 380, 450);
    triangle(380, 450, 390, 400, 400, 450);

    //second moving part of grass in regards with mouseX
    triangle(mouseX-930, 450, mouseX-920, 400, mouseX-910, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-910, 450, mouseX-900, 400, mouseX-890, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-890, 450, mouseX-880, 400, mouseX-870, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-870, 450, mouseX-860, 400, mouseX-850, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-850, 450, mouseX-840, 400, mouseX-830, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-830, 450, mouseX-820, 400, mouseX-810, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-810, 450, mouseX-800, 400, mouseX-790, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-790, 450, mouseX-780, 400, mouseX-770, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-770, 450, mouseX-760, 400, mouseX-750, 450);
    triangle(mouseX-750, 450, mouseX-740, 400, mouseX-730, 450);

    if(mouseX>width/2){ //checks if mouseX is on the right side of a screen
    	translate(500, 100); //changes a (0, 0) point to (500, 100)

    	var mapX = map(mouseX, 100, 300, 250, 250); //remaping a mouseX from one range to another.
        var mapY = map(mouseY, 100, 0, 100, 200); //remaping a mouseY from one range to another.
        //This part of the code draws sunrays that will follow mouseX and mouseY
        stroke(255,165,0); //orange
        line(0, 0, mapX, mapY);
        line(0, 0, mapX-20, mapY-20);
        line(0, 0, mapX-80, mapY-80);
        line(0, 0, mapX-140, mapY-140);
        line(0, 0, mapX-200, mapY-200);

        stroke(218,165,32); //golden rod
        line(0, 0, mapX, mapY);
        line(0, 0, mapX+20, mapY-20);
        line(0, 0, mapX+80, mapY+80);
        line(0, 0, map-140, mapY+140);
        line(0, 0, mapX+200, mapY+200);

        stroke(255,215,0); //gold
        line(0, 0, mapX*1, mapY*1);
        line(0, 0,  mapX*1.5, mapY*1.5);
        line(0, 0,  mapX*2, mapY*2);
        line(0, 0,  mapX*0.5, mapY*0.5);
        line(0, 0,  mapX, mapY*1.5);
        line(0, 0, mapX*1.5, mapY);

        stroke(255,69,0); //orange red
        line(0, 0, mapX-50, mapY+20);
        line(0, 0, mapX+200, mapY);
        line(0, 0, mapX-30, mapY+55);
        line(0, 0, mapX*0.2, mapY+100);
        line(0, 0, mapX-20, mapY+130);
        line(0, 0, mapX*1.4, mapY/1.2);

        //This part of the code draws a sun
    	fill(249, 215, 28);
    	circle(0, 0, 70);  

During the process of my work, I thought of things that change their position or their colors all the time in real world and I came up with a small drawings of a flower, clouds, grass, sun and sky. I followed the idea that flowers grow and clouds move which made it easier to follow the procedures.

Project 03: Dynamic Drawing

//Julianna Bolivar
//section d
var x = 305; //center petal
var y = 225;
var y1 = 140; //petals
var py1 = 0; //petal velocities
var y2 = 180;
var py2 = 0;
var y3 = 180;
var py3 = 0;
var y4 = 270;
var py4 = 0;
var y5 = 270;
var py5 = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);
    py1 = 0; //petal velocitiess
    py2 = 0;
    py3 = 0;
    py4 = 0;
    py5 = 0;

function draw() {
    if (mouseX > width/2){     
        background(0, 51, 102); //mouseX in right is midnight blue
    else {
        background(173, 216, 230); //mouse X in left in sky blue
    rotate(frameCount / 50.0);
    star(100, 100, 80, 100, 20); //sun 
    fill(154, 205, 50);
    rect(290, 250, 30, 400); //stem
    fill(255, 105, 180);
    circle(305, y1, 100); //top petal
    circle(380, y2, 100); //upper right petal
    circle(230, y3, 100); //upper left petal
    circle(245, y4, 100); //lower left petal
    circle(370, y5, 100); //lower right petal
    y1 += py1; 
    y2 += py2; 
    y3 += py3; 
    y4 += py4; 
    y5 += py5; 
    fill(255, 215, 0);
    circle(x, y, (100 + mouseY/3)); //center gets bigger with mouseY

function mousePressed() { //petals fall on click
    py1 = 10;
    py2 = 9;
    py3 = 5;
    py4 = 10;
    py5 = 6;

function star(x, y, radius1, radius2, npoints) { //star spin
  let angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
  let halfAngle = angle / 2.0;
  for (let a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {
    let sx = x + cos(a) * radius2;
    let sy = y + sin(a) * radius2;
    vertex(sx, sy);
    sx = x + cos(a + halfAngle) * radius1;
    sy = y + sin(a + halfAngle) * radius1;
    vertex(sx, sy);

This was so difficult. Because my idea was very simple at first it ended up looking all over the place as I added elements. Some things I never figured out, like how I wanted the petals to change as they fall.