10 May 2024

Submitting Projects

Submitting a Project in ATutor – General Instructions
Create a .zip file as instructed in the Project description for each assignment. Make sure it has the right files, with the right file names, and at the right directory/folder level — typically files will be the top level of the zip file, not in a directory in the zip file.

For example, for Project 0, you will have a folder that has two files in it, p0.wav and p0.txt:
—> p0.wav
—> p0.txt
You should make the zip file from within the folder, not outside the folder. In UNIX/LINUX, you can do this as follows, assuming your project folders are in a folder named ICM off your home directory:

cd $HOME/ICM/Project0
zip ../Project0.zip *.{wav,txt}

This creates the zip file in the ICM folder, but it does not zip the Project0 folder itself.

For projects where you have subfolders, use the -r option to recursively include subfolders. Test your zip file by copying it to another location and unzipping. You should see the files extract without creating an additional top-level directory.

Make sure submissions are anonymous (for peer grading). You will lose about one letter grade if your submission is not anonymous.

Log into ATutor at: https://icm.music.cs.cmu.edu/icm-s22/
Use the Project tab and upload the project zip file.
After a reasonable delay (depending on submission size and server load), you should get an “autograde” and comments to explain what was wrong if anything.

You can resubmit up to the deadline (and beyond if you wish to accept a late penalty).
Last possible submission time is one day before the end of peer grading, usually 6 days after the posted submission deadline.

Peer Grading in ATutor – General Instructions
After the submission deadline, peer grading begins. You are expected to grade 3 submissions from your peers.
Log in to ATutor again after the start of peer grading (the day after the posted submission deadline for the project) and look under the Project tab. You are expected to peer grade three projects from other students.  You may do extra peer grading for extra credit. But there is a penalty if you peer grade less than 3 projects.

Your peer grade comments must be meaningful and scores must be reasonable based on what score the TA assigns. If you submit a superfluous peer grade (e.g. a high grade when there were clearly major things wrong with the project) or a score without any feedback, we reserve the right to delete your peer review which can affect your own project score.

Please review the additional instructions to peer graders you will see each time you go to do peer grading.

Once you receive your grade for your project, you can go back into ATutor to see your peer and TA reviews.