leplatt@andrew.cmu.edu – 15/62-661 A4 Interaction & Expression using the Pausch Bridge Lighting https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023 An exploration of light as art. Tue, 02 May 2023 03:14:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.6 Group 3: Final Show https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2940/group-3-final-show/ https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2940/group-3-final-show/#respond Thu, 27 Apr 2023 03:12:42 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/?p=2940 Continue reading Group 3: Final Show ]]> Addy Sewack, Deekshita Vedula, Emma Hu, Lauren Platt, Nicholas Clark

Inside Out

Inspired by the film Inside Out, our show takes viewers on an emotional journey as they experience the story of 5 different emotions come to life on the bridge: Joy, Fear, Disgust, Anger, and Sadness. In the beginning, the audience is introduced to each emotion and we see white light, a combination of all of the colors of light, as all of the emotions come together. However, something is wrong. There is a glitch with the white light on the bridge and the emotions are not working together as expected. After this, we see individual segments for each emotion, highlighting the colors and personalities of each. In the end, the white light appears again, but this time it stays and the emotions are able to come together successfully. It is only after celebrating each emotion and appreciating the crucial roles that each plays throughout the show that they can all work together as a team. The show concludes with fireworks, bursts of color, and ultimately a strong, stable white light. Our show was programmed entirely in Pharos Designer 2.

Inside Out Valley View
Inside Out Bridge Deck View
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Group 3 Proof of Concept https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2922/group-3-proof-of-concept/ https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2922/group-3-proof-of-concept/#respond Thu, 20 Apr 2023 02:27:59 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/?p=2922 Continue reading Group 3 Proof of Concept ]]> Addy Sewack, Deekshita Vedula, Emma Hu, Lauren Platt, Nicholas Clark

Video showcasing 4 minutes of introduction, joy, and sadness: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MR0D7zlA7QEFQuAHZr4FgXg1KRF8Mfaz/view?usp=sharing

In the introduction, we begin the show with white, a combination of all of the colors of all of the emotions. Then we have individual introductions to each color/emotion and see all of the emotions interacting and moving around together. However, then, there is a glitch and there is a problem with the white light. Something is wrong.

In the joy section, we see lots of bright yellow. The effects demonstrate joy exploding across the bridge, the sparkling, glimmer, and movement of Joy’s personality, and joy spreading across the bridge in all directions.

Additional video showcasing finale: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WD7oy8TeWePRMUHpUo7TGb3hg80vfzzA/view?usp=sharing

In the finale, some sequences are repeated from the introduction to tie everything back together. However, instead of the white lights glitching like in the introduction, the white stays lit up and there is a celebration with fireworks and all of the colors/emotions!

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Group 3 Technical Proposal https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2885/group-3-technical-proposal/ https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2885/group-3-technical-proposal/#respond Thu, 06 Apr 2023 05:13:58 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/?p=2885 Continue reading Group 3 Technical Proposal ]]> Addy Sewack, Deekshita Vedula, Emma Hu, Lauren Platt, Nicholas Clark

Our team plans to program our show using Pharos Designer 2 software.

We have been experimenting with Pharos Designer 2 software, its features, and some of the built in lighting effect options. It has some great standard options available. The challenge that remains is adapting these options and testing different settings to fit each of our emotions for our show.

We tested on the bridge on Wednesday night and recorded videos of each of the built in functions from Pharos (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mXcMZKe45leez9Gf7G-Mku4dAtljzKod?usp=share_link). These videos will be valuable for our work as we can use them to reference how the different effects will look on the bridge as we develop our show in Pharos. One major note of the testing was how different things look on a computer vs on the bridge. Most noticeably, things felt a lot faster on the bridge than they appeared on the computer so we can take that into account when designing. It was a lot easier to test and iterate on the bridge, so we will try to set up as much time to work with the bridge as possible.

Malfunction Effect:

Strobe built in effect might work well for the beginning of the show when things aren’t going well and there are “technical difficulties” with the emotions/the bridge.


We spent time on Wednesday night testing out potential colors and effects for Joy!

Yellow showed up pretty clearly on the bridge, so there are not too many worries about color as long as we use a bright yellow.

This was the first test for Joy as programmed on Pharos: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12wnKRDN-X_VVvsNN-q9Y5z40ojUEs3xN/view?usp=share_link

The vision was that this would be at the beginning of the Joy segment. After introducing all of the emotions and fading to white, yellow would move faster and faster from the center until Joy exploded across the bridge!

This was the first test on the bridge: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hucgAUQaN25WWvfXiqP6v_LtcVRUUVnJ/view?usp=share_link

The effect felt too fast and unclear, so we iterated and continued testing on the bridge and came up with this second test for Joy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ys9COEDkzxXNGNbO6a8nWbLARoLs8F15/view?usp=share_link

The goal of this test was to show Joy’s personality more clearly. This test featured fast, excited motion and joy spreading all around until it filled up the whole bridge.

Future tests for Joy will include trying out the following built in functions: 2D burst, wave, 2D wave, sparkle, flicker, and ripple.


  • Slowed down 2D burst
    • Offset top and bottom so bottom goes first then top
    • Trying to look like it is stepping forward
  • After a few 2D bursts, on either end of bridge, white light fades in
  • Burst creeps towards light, slower as approaches
  • Once burst and white light “collide”, burst quickly goes back to of bridge, meeting the burst that was coming from the other side
  • Use fireflies preset, but sped up a little with more lights to look like panic and running
    • Goes back and forth between that and alternating top and bottom light fixtures to look like sweater vest
  • Slow down of fireflies, slow in of waves first with fast waves, then getting slower like breathing is slowing
  • Fade to black


  • Slowed down Ripple of green on a black background
    • Speed up and slow down effect
    • Trying to demonstrate carefully traveling across the bridge
  • Tiles of green in the center of the bridge, slightly moving left and right to avoid being static
    • Fireflies of other colors bouncing off of the center green
  • Random colors in blocks across the bridge
    • Start with green block at the gates end of the bridge
    • Move the green block to the right, growing the block as it collides with other green like colors
    • At the other end of the bridge, reverse the direction and collect more green color
    • Speed up the process until the majority of the bridge is green
    • Wave at the end between shades of green after collecting all the green together
  • Fade to black


  • Entrance in Strobe: first white then red (lightening -> anger)
  • fast 2D burst + burst (with widened strips)
  • – first starting with burst, from left to right several times
  • – then burst from right to left
  • – lastly  2D burst from middle to two ends
  • Wave
  • Gradient Mesh
  • Other colors fireflies – then red flicker – then fast red gradient mesh – then fast red chase (devour)
  • Fade


  • Slow movement across bridge of a pulsing blue ball until center
  • Waves of blue from center

– Seems like we can use a lot of presets, but change slightly to fit theme

– Need to practice implementation in pharos

– Other colors? Or mostly just purples

All emotions gathering together:

Ripple might be a great effect here! It is a great way of filling up the bridge with dynamic motions and colors.

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Group 3 Storyboards https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2850/group-3-storyboards/ https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2850/group-3-storyboards/#respond Thu, 30 Mar 2023 14:07:17 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/?p=2850 Continue reading Group 3 Storyboards ]]> Addy Sewack, Deekshita Vedula, Emma Hu, Lauren Platt, Nicholas Clark


Our design will highlight the emotions from the movie Inside Out – Joy, Fear, Disgust, Anger, and Sadness. It will start out showing that the 5 emotions are not working well together with rigid motion of white light (with possible tinges of other colors to indicate an imbalance and fight within the emotions) as white light is the combination of all of the colors. The bridge will slightly flash like a malfunction or glitch. Then, the white light will fade away to focus on each different emotion depicted with different colors for each emotion. In each emotion’s section, the movement and type of light will reflect the idea of the emotion based on how the movie depicts that emotion. Each section should convey the feeling of that emotion. In the end, the emotions will begin working well together, the lights will merge together into a smooth moving white light, and all the colors will dance along the bridge with fireworks bursting from a white light to color. This is similar to the plot of the movie and will showcase each emotion’s strength and the ability to come together.

Storyboard Sketches:


  • Start with blobby/rigid/movement of white (walking along movement), split into colors
  • Slow movement, almost fighting due to largeness of light mass
  • Brief introduction to each of the characters/emotions/colors as they walk down the bridge in a line (like this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v0gJug91HyyRgPTqU31G08k8kpLOo7tc/view?usp=share_link)
  • All colors in harmony, “holding hands” and switching their positions, happily together as a whole
  • Back to large white light, all of a sudden, something is wrong, the bridge slightly flashes like a malfunction, and the emotions disperse (small colored lights moving quickly away from center)


  • Yellow colors
  • Yellow lights bounce back and forth between the ends of the bridge
  • Yellow lights appear and disappear quickly around the bridge like Joy is jumping around the bridge/playing hide and seek
  • Very fast motions and bright colors to show excited/energetic personality


  • Purple colors
  • Introduction is a slow movement of purple light, going forward slightly then taking a step back as if timidly approaching something
  • Slower movement of color, once approaches center quick flash of color as if jumping back in fear (perhaps alternating top and bottom panels, like sweater vest in movie)
  • Rapid running around, quick beats
  • Holding breath, then rapid breathing and quick movement, then slower breathing as the light slowly goes back to the edge more timidly


  • Green colors
  • Other colors bouncing off of a central green color as if disgust is rejecting a bunch of different options
  • Green color stumbling into a bunch of other colors then running as far away as possible to get away
  • Slower moving, almost judgy/sassy


  • Red colors
  • Could be red lights coming from the two ends, and both become stronger and stronger until met in the middle
  • Then act as fire spreading everywhere (explode from the middle)
  • Also could be red with intensity / width gradually increasing from one end to the other
  • While other characters (colors) are around, splash an exploding red ball and devour all the other colors, (plot as in the pic above)

Sadness – Blue, heavy breathing movement, slow/weighted/steady, calm? 


  • All colors eventually merge and fade to white light, more calm than in the beginning, then slowly fade to dark
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Group 3 Ideas https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2823/group-3-ideas/ https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/2823/group-3-ideas/#respond Thu, 23 Mar 2023 01:43:57 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-661/s2023/?p=2823 Continue reading Group 3 Ideas ]]> Nicholas Clark, Emma Hu, Lauren Platt, Addy Sewack, Deekshita Vedula

Idea 1 – Inside Out/Emotions Come Alive:

Similar to the film Inside Out, our bridge display would feature different emotions coming alive. The emotions would have different colors and unique personalities. For example, we could focus on joy and sadness. Joy could be depicted with brighter colors and livelier motions. Sadness could be depicted with darker colors and slower motions. The emotions/colors would interact in the show, initially butting heads but later reaching a compromise and working together. 

Idea 2 – Love and Family:

To tell the story of love and family, we envision our bridge display featuring two lights interacting through a series of activities, becoming closer and closer. The two lights can be different colors to represent the differences in personality between the two people. As the lights get closer and closer, their colors can get closer, symbolizing the pair’s growth and deepening relationship. Finally, as the two lights are closest, a third light will appear to symbolize the start of their family. 

Idea 3 – Holi:

Holi, celebrated as the Festival of Colors, is a holiday where communities gather with brightly colored powders to throw and smear on each others’ faces and white clothes. The playful game is meant to represent the triumph of good over evil and celebrate the start of spring. An idea we had to depict this festival was to start with white lights across the bridge to show the setting before the game begins and then have splatters of bright colors across the bridge to show the game being played and colored powders being thrown.

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