Roles: Becca Epstein as Tutor, Becca Wolfinger as Scribe/Integrator, Zade Delgros as Designer
For this iteration, we were focused on getting more interesting behavior out of our autonomous robots “Ella and Chase”. To achieve this, we thought hard about what kind of personalities we wanted to embed in these robots. Our thought was to give each robot its own culture. Our goal in this piece was to illustrate the innate similarity between people as human beings despite the different ways we all perceive the world. To display these perceptual differences, we gave each arm a difference sensing mechanism. One arm looked out into its environment to control its direction. We made the other arm much more introspective by programming it to use its own acceleration and timing mechanisms in order to make decisions about its speed, direction, and the sounds it made.
In addition to the illustration of this concept, we also rethought the design of the cars. We wanted to make the circuity cleaner and more compact. This proved to be quite difficult because we added several components and planned to pack them all into a much smaller space. We used the clear acrylic to expose the hardware of the robots and highlight that innate metaphorical similarity between people despite differences in culture or perception.
Arm 1:
Our circuit consisted of an arduino nano, a drv883 h-bridge, a motor, 2 proximity sensors, a 5V step-up, a switch, a speaker, and a 3.3-volt Lipo battery. The switch and battery powered the entirety of the circuit, and the step-up stepped the battery up to a useable 5-volts. The proximity sensors were connected to analog pins 1 and 3 to send the arduino specific distances. The arduino was connected by pins 5 and 6 to the h-bridge to send logic to the motor to have it switch directions when the proximity sensor gave values after a specific threshold that would allow it to switch states from forwards to backwards. The speaker was connected to pin 8 to change the pitch.
Arm 2:
Our circuit consisted of an arduino nano, a drv883 h-bridge, a motor, a ADXL345 accelerometer, 5V step-up, a switch, a speaker, and 2 3.3-vold Lipo battery. The switch and battery powered the entirety of the arduino circuit, and the step-up stepped the battery up to a useable 5-volts while the other Lipo battery powered the H-bridge. The accelerometer was connected to digital pins 10-13 to send the arduino specific velocities. The arduino was connected by pins 5 and 6 to the h-bridge to send logic to the motor to have it switch directions , and by pin 8 to the speaker to change pitch, when the acceleromoter gave values after a specific threshold.
#define MOTOR1A 5
#define MOTOR1B 6
Serial.println(“Entering start state.”);
total = total – readings[index];
readings[index] = analogRead(proxInputPin2);
total= total + readings[index];
index = index + 1;
if (index >= numReadings)
index = 0;
average = total / numReadings;
int pitch = scaleValues(average, minDistance, maxDistance, minPitch, maxPitch);
tone(8, pitch);
forward = checkDirection(analogRead(proxInputPin2), true);
analogWrite(MOTOR1B, 255-stay);
digitalWrite(MOTOR1A, HIGH);
if(stay < 250){
stay = stay+50;
if(stay > 250){
stay = 250;
if (forward) {
goto state1;
else goto start;
total= total + readings[index];
index = index + 1;
if (index >= numReadings)
index = 0;
average = total / numReadings;
pitch = scaleValues(average, minDistance, maxDistance, minPitch, maxPitch);
tone(8, pitch);
forward = checkDirection(analogRead(proxInputPin), false);
analogWrite(MOTOR1A, 255-stay);
digitalWrite(MOTOR1B, HIGH);
if(stay < 250){
stay = stay+50;
if(stay > 250){
stay = 250;
if (forward) {
goto start;
else goto state1;
Roles: Becca Epstein as Tutor, Becca Wolfinger as Scribe/Integrator, Zade Delgros as Designer
We have created two autonomous robots that share a common pivot to which they are constrained. They rotate about this central point and are therefore forced to come into contact with one another. When they get close to one another, each robot reacts in a different way. One will completely stop and then start to chase the other. When the other robot gets too close to its counterpart, it lashes in the other direction. These behaviors get interesting when a robot runs away from the other, it eventually runs back into it since they are both constrained around this central pivot.
It would have been easy to have both robots controlled from the same micro controller. We decided not to take this short cut because we wanted each robot to have its own autonomy. We chose compact circuity and housing so that all of the electronic components could fit on the narrow arm of each robot. The clear acrylic bodies of the robots lets us observe the autonomy and independence of the two robots. As such, we programmed each robot’s “brain” (Arduino Nano) with different speed, acceleration, and response parameters. These parameters serve as personality traits for the robots’ behavior. Their current behavioral goal is to not come into direct contact with one another. Each robot has its own way of achieving this goal. What makes it interesting is the fact that they are frequently forced to come into contact, which perpetuates the cycle but in a way that is slightly different each time they come into close contact.
For the next iteration of this project, we want to get a little more out of the behavior. We want to reconsider the “goals” we are programming into each robot. Right now they’re desperately trying not to run into each other but maybe one of the robots wants to bump into the other from time to time. Maybe we want them to have different goals. One robot could be trying to catch some moving target that is independent of its robot counterpart. Maybe their personalities can be variable based on stimuli we give them beyond just each other. Maybe we could control them with music or light or physical obstacles. We will continue to brainstorm ideas and explore different behaviors until we find something more interesting to do.
Our circuit consisted of an arduino nano, a drv883 h-bridge, a motor, a proximity sensor, an n-chan mosfet, a switch, and a 9-volt battery. The switch and 9-volt battery powered the entirety of the circuit, and the mosfet stepped the battery down to a useable 5-volts. The proximity sensor was connected to analog pin 2 to send the arduino specific distances. The arduino was connected by pins 5 and 6 to the h-bridge to send logic to the motor to have it switch directions when the proximity sensor gave values after a specific threshold.
A sample of our code. Some of the numbers were tweaked in order to have the cars demonstrate different behavior.
#define MOTOR1A 5
#define MOTOR1B 6
DistanceGP2Y0A21YK Dist;
int distance;
void setup()
void loop()
PWM 0 Forward PWM, fast decay
1 PWM Forward PWM, slow decay
0 PWM Reverse PWM, fast decay
PWM 1 Reverse PWM, slow decay
distance = Dist.getDistanceRaw();
int sensorValue = analogRead(A3);
if((sensorValue > 300)){
analogWrite(MOTOR1A, 50);
digitalWrite(MOTOR1B, HIGH);
}else {
analogWrite(MOTOR1B, 255-stay);
digitalWrite(MOTOR1A, HIGH);
if(stay < 250){ stay = stay+50; } if(stay > 250){
stay = 250;
delay(500); //make it readable
Roles: Alex Wang as Tutor, Ashley Lai as Tutor, Zade Delgros as Integrator, Becca Epstein as designer, Wole Idowu as scribe
Recently there has been a rush of confidentiality breaches including Snowden, celebrity nudes, and Home Depot credit card information. We decided to toy with this idea of lost confidentiality by corrupting an official survey. We want each person to have a strong reaction to this loss so we chose extremely intimate questions of varying topics. The experience of this installation is of walking up, seeing an official CMU survey, and then having to decide whether or not to broadcast your most personal doings to the random passerby. One side of a hallway has questions with big buttons that lead you forward,, while the other has the questions listed again, and LED lit signs saying yes or no. The observer would have to be paying close attention to figure out which of your answers goes to which question. The wished for outcome of this piece is to cause the participant to have an emotional crisis and to bewitch the observer.
Our survey works with a series of buttons that represent the choices for the yes/no questions we ask. There are five questions in total so ten buttons. Each button houses both a momentary switch as well as an LED. The LEDs light up two at a time depending on what question you are on. If you are on question one, the yes and no buttons will be illuminated until an answer is selected when the selections for the next question will then be lit up. We did this by connecting the LEDs in parallel and having them take an output from their respective momentary switch. Pressing the switch tells our Arduino’s code to loop through an array of length five which correspond to the questions. We connected 10 kilohm resistors to each of our buttons which helps to control the unstable noise that can occur when taking a sensitive input from a momentary switch. Answers to the survey questions are also coded to be yes or no. When an answer is selected, the Arduino sends an output to a 9-volt step-up regulator and then to one of two LED strips, illuminating either yes or no to display the user’s answer.
To be added
]]>Roles: Maggie Burke as Designer, Becca Epstein as Integrator/Scribe, Marc-Daniel Julien as Tutor
This story begins with a client. A well off lady who has a bit of an issue: She has difficulty interacting actively in society. We have created a device to better allow her to go to balls and parties looking as beautiful as ever while feeling more comfortable.
This device is in the form of an intricate mask to reflect the lady’s beauty. When there is not sufficient commotion and stimulus from conversation or the party in general, she is reminded to be present by flashing red lights and a soft buzzing within the mask. When the stimulus is at an acceptable level, blue lights stay on steadily and the mask is still
The circuit was designed to invert the input. The sound detector drives the gate of the first transistor. The drain of the second transistor is the inverted output which drives the gate of the second transistor. The second transistor is used to activate the actuators in the mask.
There are two layers to the mask both made of plaster coated cardboard and shaped with a dremmel. The masks are connected by 3/16 inch bolts and washers. The interior is coated with white faux fur, and in the middle is where the electronics lie. The exterior has RGB LEDs embedded and a covering of embroidered lace.