Guide to the Udoo Controller – Physical Computing Carnegie Mellon University, IDeATe Fri, 11 Aug 2017 21:41:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Program UDOO Arduino from External Computer Tue, 24 Jun 2014 14:40:02 +0000 Compiling Arduino code on the UDOO is much slower than compiling on your laptop. Writing and compiling Arduino sketches on your laptop and then uploading them to the onboard UDOO Due will speed up your development process.

To make this possible, you’ll need to set up your computer to work with this specific version of the Arduino.

Install USB Driver:

  1. Download and install the relevant driver for UDOO’s MicroUSB port (labeled as ‘cn6’ on the UDOO board)
  2. Connect your computer to the UDOO Due with a USB – MicroUSB cable. Make sure you plug the MicroUSB side into the port labeled CN6 on the UDOO board.
  3. Determine if you can detect the UDOO Due device. On OSX, open a terminal and enter system_profiler SPUSBDataType. You should see a listing for CP2104 USB to UART Bridge Controller

Patch Arduino IDE:

  1.  If you don’t already have it, download Arduino 1.5.x
    1. ->
    2. if you prefer to use Arduino 1.0.x for other applications, you can rename this version of the application to Arduino_1.5
  2. Download the relevant UDOO IDE patch file from here:
    2. Download the bossac file for your OS from the section labeled ‘Arduino IDE Patch’
  3. Extract the files and place it in your Arduino app.
    1. For Windows or Linux, place them in <ARDUINO_IDE_PATH>/hardware/tools/ and override the original files
    2. For OSX, right-click the Arduino application icon and select “Show package contents”. then place the bossac file in <ARDUINO_IDE_PACKAGE>/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/tools/
  4. Open Arduino 1.5.x and copy this simple test sketch:
    1. void setup() {
      void loop() {
  5. Select the correct board under Tools>Board>Arduino Due Programming Port
  6. Select the correct port under Tools>Port>/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
  7. Remove j18 jumper on UDOO board (near wifi module and heatsink)
  8. Upload the sketch and open the Serial Monitor on the Arduino IDE. You should see “hello” printing repeatedly.

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Interacting with Udoo Linux Wed, 11 Jun 2014 12:21:58 +0000 Udoo Linux

The ARM CPU on the Udoo runs a Linux operating system with familiar interfaces. There are multiple ways to directly interact with the Linux system on the Udoo:

  1. Monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The Udoo has USB and HDMI ports for connection to normal desktop display and input devices to use just like a regular desktop computer.
  2. Remote Desktop. The Udoo can run xrdp to allow a standard remote desktop client to connect via one of the networking interfaces. When connected directly to a laptop using wired ethernet, this is quite usable, and offers the same Linux desktop interface as using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
  3. SSH remote console. The Udoo runs an ssh server and supports console logins over the network. This is quite usable even over the WiFi connection, and allows all command-line access. There are several program text editors which which fine over a text-only connection, and a wealth of command line programs for controlling the system.
  4. X11 over SSH. With an X11 server installed locally on a desktop or laptop, an SSH connection can support running graphical X11 programs on the Udoo which present a display on the local computer. A local wired ethernet connection is recommended for this mode. This is a somewhat different experience than the complete desktop, but this works fine for running the Arduino IDE, PureData, or the system dialogs.

Wired Ethernet Configuration

Using the wired ethernet is recommended for all of the ‘remote’ access methods as it will have much higher bandwidth and lower latency than routing through the campus WiFi.

The Udoo image is pre-configured to use IP address for the Ethernet port. The following instructions assume you have manually configured your personal computer Ethernet port is, netmask, with no gateway specified and no DNS enabled. This will form a private network on the Ethernet with just two nodes, your personal computer and the Udoo.

The Udoo is pre-configured to use the campus WiFi network for general network access, and it will automatically route requests such as update checks over the WiFi when connected.

SSH remote console access

You will need a ssh client program on your personal computer to connect to the Udoo ssh server. Mac OS X systems come with one pre-installed, available from the command line as ssh.

From a command line (e.g. window), you can connect using the Udoo Ethernet IP address:

ssh ubuntu@

The Udoo default user account is named ‘ubuntu’. It will prompt for a password.

The first time you login, you may also see some prompts requesting permission to connect to a previously unseen host.

If all goes well, you’ll see a login banner and command prompt.
