Technical Exercises

The course text includes has many exercises intended to familiarize you with the lab, basic electronic equipment, and basic programming. These are essential for developing the vocabulary and skills to fulfill the projects. They are not however graded or reviewed.

The lab exercises are intended to be performed individually. Some exercises will be performed in the lab during class time, and some may be recommended to individual students to prepare necessary skills for specific project ideas.

The initial exercises are intended to be quick, simple introductions. Part of the exercise is absorbing a set of technical terms; the meaning will become apparent in time through immersion in practice.

The following is a suggested order which generally develops from simple to more complex, however the sequence is not strict. There are more exercises available than time so individuals may choose exercises according to the experience and discretion. If something is too elementary for your experience level, please choose something new for you. If an exercise requires a part which is not available, please move on to something feasible.

Please be sure to read the sections Summary Guide: Basic Circuits and Summary Guide: Arduino Microcontrollers for a review of terminology and concepts. Also, please skim the Errata section if you have trouble to identify mistakes in the text or general hints.

Anyone who completes an exercise easily should consider undertaking more of the optional challenge activities listed at the end of most exercises.

Arduino IDE and Programming

Elementary Electronics

Arduino with Electronics

Signals and Time

Please be sure to read the Summary Guide: Computation and Behavior section for a review of computational terminology and concepts. Please be sure to see the OneInOneOutASCII Arduino Sketch section for background on dividing a process between the Arduino and a laptop.


Please be sure to read the Summary Guide: Mechanism section for a review of mechanical terminology and concepts.

Optional Topics

More Electronics

Modular Components

Raspberry Pi


  • Max Arduino Companion. Building a system combining Arduino and Max/MSP for laptop-based GUI and media processing.