Day 5: (Wed Sep 14, Week 3) Marble-Centric Mechanisms

Notes for 2022-09-14.


  1. Current assignment, due next Monday: Exercise: Actuated Marble Run Tile

  2. In general, when uploading a video or zip file, please include your name or Andrew ID in the title since I often download them and it helps me track the files.


  1. Discussion of Children’s School visits on Fall 2022 Calendar: Wed Sep 28, Mon Nov 7, Mon Dec 5.

  2. Discussion of final show: Fri Dec 2.


  1. Broader discussion of using marbles as a form for exploring mechanisms and kinetic systems. Following are a collection of structures to consider:

    • energy input

      • wheel lifts: adding potential energy back into a system

      • helical Archimedes screw

      • conveyor belts and wheels

      • marble pump

      • centrifugal launchers: adding kinetic energy into a system

    • transport: moving objects from place to place

      • linear track

      • spiral tracks and bowls: reducing entropy

      • turntables: randomizing outputs, distribution

      • pin grids: randomizing, absorbing energy

      • ball sumps, system exit paths

      • minimum-time ramps (

    • logic and state

      • accumulators: counting, clustering

      • clocks

      • flip/flops and counters: mechanical logic

      • moving gates: mechanical and electrical logic, switching

      • Turing machines

      • optical sensors: electronic interface

      • weigh scales: electronic interface

      • mechanical NAND gates

      • ball delay line

      • ball sorters

    • mechanical outputs

      • ball overshot wheel

      • ball turbine

      • ball-driven mirrors, lighting effects

    • sound and noise

      • sound-producing pins

      • bells

      • sound-producing strings

    • human interface

      • direct ball input

      • flippers

      • launcher controls

      • movable gates

  2. Videos

  3. Sketch session

    • please draw your actuated tile ideas on the whiteboard tables

    • share with your table partner

    • I’ll rotate through the room

    • some questions:

      • Will it work?

      • Will it compose with other tiles?

      • Will it work in different orientations?