Day 11: (Wed Oct 4, Week 6) Project Brainstorming

Notes for 2023-10-04.

New Assignments

  1. New pair assignment, parts due Mon Oct 9 and Wed Oct 11: Project: Drawings and Statement. Ongoing submissions: Assignment 6 Posts: Project Drawings.


We will be hosting Dave Allen as a guest reviewer on Wed Oct 11.

Tentative project schedule:

  • Week 6: Children’s School analysis, project ideation, project pair formation

  • Week 7: proposal development and critique

  • Week 8: Fall Break, no class

  • Week 9: prototype build

  • Week 10: prototype build

  • Week 11: prototype test on Mon Nov 6


  1. Review results from Assignment 5 Posts: Marble Lift.

  2. In-class ideation exercise.

  3. Whole-class brainstorming and sketching workshop.

  4. Partner negotiation.

Selected Ideas

  • hidden pathways

  • floating track

  • clay track

  • music: marble as striker

  • music: tuned glasses of water

  • launching marbles into water

  • marbles as metaphorical seeds “growing” something

  • toy cars carrying marbles

  • outdoor suncatcher

  • water transfer printing

  • music: platform percussion

Working Categories

  • music

  • visual arts (painting/drawing/etc)

  • marble runs (marble motion as kinetic focus)

  • water as element