Day 13: (Wed Oct 11, Week 7) Project Proposals

Notes for 2023-10-11.


  • Next week is Fall Break, we’ll return on Monday October 23.

  • Our guest reviewer today is David Allen, an instructor from the Children’s School.


  1. Please set up your collaborative kinetic devices.

  2. We’ll spend the first twenty minutes or so showing David our samples and prototypes.

  3. For each proposal:

    • You’ll have five minutes to explain the concept from the podium (see Assignment 6 Posts: Project Drawings)

    • Please use the media from your post, displayed on the shared laptop.

    • We’ll have about ten minutes each for questions and discussion.

  4. After the formal round, we’ll divide out into groups for a little more time workshopping ideas as needed.

  5. I hope you have a restful break!