Day 24: (Wed Nov 29, Week 14) Prototype Demonstrations

Notes for 2023-11-29.


  1. Due today: in-class prototype demonstration and critique. There is no associated documentation submission, this is a live in-person demo during class.

  2. New assignment, due Wednesday Dec 6: please prepare a five-minute presentation on the outcome of your project to begin your project critique. The recommended mode is to use a draft of your final report post for visual content, but you may prepare separate slides if you wish. Please focus on the specifics of how your project evolved in response to the children. Please also address how it explores the central course themes of building human-centric experiences through mechanical and computational processes.

  3. New assignment, due Friday Dec 8: Final Project Report. Please submit via Assignment 10 Posts: Final Project Report.


On Monday Dec 4 we will be testing our final projects at the Children’ School. Please pay attention to your email for last-minute logistical information. But much like last time:

  • Bring everything you may need, including marbles, props, tools, extension cords, spare parts, spare consumable materials, power supplies, etc.

  • Be sure to record video and take photos of your project in action, excluding children’s faces.

  • Please meet either in the classroom shortly before 10AM or directly at the school at 10AM.

  • If you arrive to the school late, please use the intercom to request entrance.

Project schedule:

  • Week 13: construction, Thanksgiving break

  • Week 14: iteration and testing, in-class review Wednesday

  • Week 15: on-site test, final review

Any 3D prints for projects can use the following queue: 3D Printer Submissions - general use.


  • All-class review and critique of prototypes.

  • Individual group consultations, time permitting.