Reports – 16-375 Work Robotics for Creative Practice: Student Work Mon, 24 Apr 2017 18:38:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Final Project: Par for the Course Mon, 24 Apr 2017 18:20:30 +0000

Victoria Yong: Story Sketch Mon, 26 Sep 2016 16:29:04 +0000  

Elevator Pitch: A pair of lonely mismatched shoes try to find each other and dance together.

Character Relationships: 

The main relationship to be explored in this sketch is the relationship between the two shoes. The shoes are lonely and desperate for a connection, but they are from two very different areas of a shoe store and cannot communicate very well. Other characters may include matched pairs of shoes that move in conventional ways (or just stand still) but you can tell that they connect very well. The main 2 shoes try to connect to these pairs before finding each other, but the other pairs of shoes are already complete and don’t want a third member. The two main characters are empathetic and connect to the audience, so they stand out the most from the many shoes. There are also some physical obstacles between the two main shoes in which they are not able to see each other and have to get past those to finally meet and figure out to dance as one performance. The two shoes have different personalities, as one is an extrovert and the other is an introvert. They have different relationships with their environment which remains the same.



Story Beat outline: 

  1. The main 2 shoes start off in different locations in a shoe store.
  2. The extrovert shoe tries to frantically dance with the other pairs of shoes in the store.
  3. The pairs of shoes ignore the extrovert shoe and it trudges away.
  4. The introvert shoe tries to interact with the other pairs of shoes in its section.
  5. The pairs of shoes scare the introvert shoe and it flees.
  6. The introvert shoe hits a wall and makes a really loud sound.
  7. The sound of the introvert shoe hitting a wall or an obstacle surprises everyone else. The shoes stop dancing and the extrovert shoe jumps in shock.
  8. The extrovert shoe kicks the wall to make a sound in response. The introvert shoe spins with joy to hear something respond to it.
  9. The introvert shoe rhythmically kicks the wall and the extrovert shoe moves to the beat.
  10. The extrovert shoe responds with a new rhythm and the introvert shoe dances to it.
  11. The introvert shoe swivels so far that it accidentally ends up in the other section next to the extrovert shoe.
  12. The main 2 shoes are happy as they dance together as one performance. Notes on Realization

The movements of the robots represent dancing and the movement of feet in shoes. The audience doesn’t need to see the shoes as sentient or magical, but the shoes can’t be understood as robots in-universe.

There is no dialogue, but there will be music and Foley effects, especially of the 2 main shoes hitting the wall.

The performance will begin by focusing on the extrovert shoe and not show the other shoe. Then, it will focus on the introvert shoe. Finally, the shoes will come together and both will be visible.

The background characters will be operated from a wall behind the shelves and will have simple tapping movements controlled by joints that rotate in one dimension. The main characters will be on the ground, operated by pneumatic devices that are hidden under the floor. There should be some function that would allow the shoes to tilt back and forth to simulate a walking or dancing motion as they twirl on their toes or heels. It is implied that the environment is a standard shoe store–nothing fancy or exciting usually happens here.

Shelves with many matching pairs of shoes are required. These pairs of shoes do not have to dance, but some small rhythmic movement would help show the conventionality and exclusivity of these pairs. This would also help the main characters of the performance stand out. A spotlight would be necessary to show each main character before they eventually discover each other. There would definitely be music–some simple riffs would help to show the mood of these characters as they try and fail to connect with the other shoes. However, there’d be a more exciting, complete song as the shoes come together and dance. Evaluation

This approach will attempt to answer how two independent robotic characters can eventually group together and move as one performance. It will also attempt to emulate dance-like movements mechanically.

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Story Sketch: Lantern and Torch Mon, 26 Sep 2016 14:45:07 +0000
Story Sketch: Lantern and Torch

By: Job Bedford


Elevator Pitch:

“You cannot desire what you already possess”

This is a story of an overzealous LanternBot content in its it everyday operations, until it struck with an object of its desire, ‘Torch’ (a lamp), and thus strives viciously to obtain the Torch it WANTS. After finally possessing Torch, the desire for it dies. The dis-amusing possession soon becomes a chore/burden/undesirable. Torch leaves Lanternbot, and LanternBot returns to everyday operation until it is consumed with WANT again.


Character Relationships:

LanternBot is symbolic of people’s own desire to have something, though upon obtain it ceases to be as valued or treasured.

LaternBot: pursuer.  Torch: the pursued.


  • The World/Universe: LaternBot is consumed with desire, and enraged cause it can’t possess something.
  • Other Characters: Torch the lamp is pursued to join LanternBot, but is unwilling but eventually concedes. Lantern does not know why it wants Torch, but mindlessly pursues it as if invaluable. Background illumination cycles through steady loops of color, symbolizing objective and status que.
  • The Environment: Lantern mimics actively cycled background colors to blend in and illuminate as is his purpose and operation.
  • The Audience:  LanternBot is a relatable character, who brings about his own demise.

Lantern Torch Basic

Story Beats:


Beat 1: Lantern proceed with normal illumination operations

Beat 2: Torch enters scene performs operation. Lantern wants Torch next to it.

Beat 3: Day 1: Lantern tries to obtain Torch, is rejected. Night 1: Lantern frustrated.

Beat 4: Day 2: Lantern tries to obtain Torch, is rejected. Night 2: Lantern even more frustrated.

Beat 5: Day 3: Lantern tries to obtain Torch, is accepted. Torch next to Lantern.

Beat 6: Day 4: Lantern and Torch proceed operations. Lantern delighted. Time progresses.

Beat 7: Lantern is disillusioned and bored, doesn’t want Torch. Lantern angry at Torch.

Beat 8: Torch leaves. Normal Operations proceed.

Beat 9: Lantern consumed with want again for Torch.



Notes on Realization:

  • Prime language will assume the actuations of LIGHT and GESTURE, maybe simplistic SOUNDs (BLIPs and BEEPs) too.


  • Symbolic gesture and  accompanied LED color.


  • Performance beings with normalcy. Background illumination play a huge role in tempo and regularity. Transition between beats showcased by fading of background to black (Day vs Night) (deliberate cues)


  • Machines: Three individually programmed machines. (Lantern, Torch, and Background illumination)
  • Lantern: 3DOF RRR (Roll-Pitch-Pitch Arm), all Pneumatically driven, Range: 120-120-90. 5ft tall. Links covered in Lantern material, illuminated with RGB LED strips. Can be on rollers where arm pushes its with end-effector or statically mounted. Lightweight as possible.
  • Torch: A suspended lantern on a long fishing pole like rod. 2DOF Lantern roll and rod pitch at base. Rod pitch move lantern a dynamic range across set (2-3 meter), pneumatically drive. Lantern roll servo driven to show face and direction.
  • Background: Simple Multicolored LED Strips against a wall of diffusive material. Encompasses three sides, very vibrant and illuminates a large area.
  • No Major props beside actors

LanernBot Detailed design



  • Can the piece convey the message of “desire vs possession” to the audience.  
  • Does the audience relate the the LanternBot?
  • Is the Audience Entertained?


ScratchWork and Resource Evaluation:

ScratchWork ResourceEval

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