Day 3: (Sep 4) Mini-Project, Tutorials

Notes for 2018-09-04. See also the Fall 2018 Calendar.


  1. Administrative

    1. Please wear your name tag one more day.
    2. Various toys are on order.
  2. Assignments

    1. If not yet qualified on laser cutters: Fire Extinguisher Use, Part 1 and Fire Extinguisher Use, Part 2
    2. Mini-Project 1: Open-Loop Dynamic Performance
    3. Thursday: paper sketches for the parts you intend to build
  3. In-class

    1. word of the day: degree of freedom (ok, phrase of the day)

      DOF joint
      1 wheel, hinge, pivot, “revolute pair”
      1 slider, “prismatic joint”
      1 screw
      2 cylindrical
      3 planar
      3 ball and socket, “spherical”
      6 “free”, rigid body unconstrained in space

      Trickier: how many DOF in a flexure joint?

      How many DOF in a lake of water?

    2. basic properties of stepper motors

    3. intro to our stepper motor system

      1. brief demo
      2. hardware: see CNC Arduino Shield
      3. software: see Sample Code Documentation
    4. individual project group meetings

    5. if needed: laser-cutter operational tutorial (roughly half the class)