"""Interfaces to hardware winch systems. Uses the QtSerialPort module for
communication event processing using the Qt event loop.
# Written in 2018-2019 by Garth Zeglin <garthz@cmu.edu>
# To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
# and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
# worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software.
# If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
# standard Python libraries
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
# for documentation on the PyQt5 API, see http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt5/index.html
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtSerialPort
# set up logger for module
log = logging.getLogger('winch')
# filter out most logging; the default is NOTSET which passes along everything
# log.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
[docs]class QtSerialWinch(object):
"""Class to manage a serial connection to a hardware winch system using Qt
QSerialPort object for data transport. The data protocol is based on the
StepperWinch Arduino sketch.
def __init__(self):
self._portname = None
self._buffer = b''
self._port = None
self.winch_time = -1
self.winch_positions = [0,0,0,0]
self._last_report_time = -1
def status_message(self):
if self._port is None:
return "<not open>"
return "%6.2f: %d %d %d %d" % (1e-6*self.winch_time, self.winch_positions[0], self.winch_positions[1], self.winch_positions[2], self.winch_positions[3])
[docs] def available_ports(self):
"""Return a list of names of available serial ports."""
return [port.portName() for port in QtSerialPort.QSerialPortInfo.availablePorts()]
def set_port(self, name):
if name == "<no selection>":
log.debug("User picked the null serial port entry.")
self._portname = None
self._portname = name
[docs] def open(self):
"""Open the serial port and initialize communications. If the port is already
open, this will close it first. If the current name is None, this will not open
anything. Returns True if the port is open, else False."""
if self._port is not None:
if self._portname is None:
log.debug("No port name provided so not opening port.")
return False
self._port = QtSerialPort.QSerialPort()
# open the serial port, which should also reset the Arduino
if self._port.open(QtCore.QIODevice.ReadWrite):
log.info("Opened winch serial port %s", self._port.portName())
# always process data as it becomes available
return True
# Error codes: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qserialport.html#SerialPortError-enum
errcode = self._port.error()
if errcode == QtSerialPort.QSerialPort.PermissionError:
log.warning("Failed to open winch serial port %s with a QSerialPort PermissionError, which could involve an already running control process, a stale lock file, or dialout group permissions.", self._port.portName())
log.warning("Failed to open winch serial port %s with a QSerialPort error code %d.", self._port.portName(), errcode)
self._port = None
return False
def set_and_open_port(self, name):
[docs] def close(self):
"""Shut down the serial connection to the Arduino."""
if self._port is not None:
log.info("Closing winch serial port %s", self._port.portName())
self._port = None
def write(self, data):
if self._port is not None:
log.debug("Winch serial port not open during write.")
def read_input(self):
# Read as much input as available; callback from Qt event loop.
data = self._port.readAll()
if len(data) > 0:
def _parse_status_line(self, data):
# parse a single line of status input provided as a bytestring
tokens = data.split()
if len(tokens) == 6:
if tokens[0] == b'txyza':
self.winch_positions = [int(x) for x in tokens[2:]]
new_time = int(tokens[1])
if new_time < self.winch_time or new_time > (self._last_report_time + 5e6):
log.info("Received winch time stamp: %d microseconds, position: %s", new_time, self.winch_positions)
self._last_report_time = new_time
self.winch_time = new_time
log.debug("Unrecognized winch status: %s", tokens)
def data_received(self, data):
# Manage the possibility of partial reads by appending new data to any previously received partial line.
# The data arrives as a PyQT5.QtCore.QByteArray.
self._buffer += bytes(data)
while b'\n' in self._buffer:
first, self._buffer = self._buffer.split(b'\n', 1)
first = first.rstrip()
def _send_command(self, string):
log.debug("Sending to winch: %s", string)
def _map_axis_to_mask(self, axis):
# map an axis index or list of indices to a mask string
axisnames = "xyza"
if isinstance(axis, int):
return axisnames[axis]
return "".join([axisnames[i] for i in axis])
def _map_positions_to_string(self, position):
# map an position value or list of values to a string of numbers
if isinstance(position, int):
return str(position)
return " ".join([str(x) for x in position])
# --- ad hoc winch protocol API: this should be kept compatible with the simulator ------------
# This generates messages following the command protocol in StepperWinch.ino
def ping(self):
[docs] def motor_enable( self, value=True):
"""Issue a command to enable or disable the stepper motor drivers."""
self._send_command( "enable 1" if value is True else "enable 0" )
[docs] def set_target(self, axis, position):
"""Set the absolute target position for one or more winch axes.
:param axis: either a integer axis number or list of axis numbers
:param positions: either a integer step position or list of step positions
self._send_command("a %s %s" % (self._map_axis_to_mask(axis), self._map_positions_to_string(position)))
[docs] def increment_target(self, axis, offset):
"""Add a signed offset to one or more winch target positions.
:param axis: either a integer axis number or list of axis numbers
:param offset: either a integer step offset or list of step offsets
self._send_command("d %s %s" % (self._map_axis_to_mask(axis), self._map_positions_to_string(offset)))
[docs] def increment_reference(self, axis, offset):
"""Add a signed offset to one or more winch reference positions.
:param axis: either a integer axis number or list of axis numbers
:param offset: either a integer step offset or list of step offsets
self._send_command("r %s %s" % (self._map_axis_to_mask(axis), self._map_positions_to_string(offset)))
[docs] def set_velocity(self, axis, velocity):
"""Set the constant velocity of one or more target positions.
Note: this is currently ignored by the winch firmware.
:param axis: either a integer axis number or list of axis numbers
:param velocity: either an integer velocity or list of integer velocities
self._send_command("v %s %s" % (self._map_axis_to_mask(axis), self._map_positions_to_string(velocity)))
[docs] def set_speed(self, axis, speed):
"""Set the ramp speed for one or more target positions. Speeds less than or equal to zero
are treated as infinite on the winch.
:param axis: either a integer axis number or list of axis numbers
:param speed: either an integer speed or list of integer velocities
self._send_command("s %s %s" % (self._map_axis_to_mask(axis), self._map_positions_to_string(speed)))
[docs] def set_freq_damping(self, axis, freq, ratio):
"""Set the second order model resonance parameters for one or more path
generators. Note that the same parameters are applied to all specified
axes, unlike the target setting functions.
:param axis: either a integer axis number or list of axis numbers
:param freq: scalar specifying the frequency in Hz
:param ratio: scalar specifying the damping ratio, e.g. 1.0 at critical damping.
self._send_command("g %s %2.6f %2.6f" % (self._map_axis_to_mask(axis), freq, ratio))