Running and Walking Machines

MIT Leg Lab

The Leg Lab, Marc Raibert et al, CMU and MIT

Tad McGeer Passive Walker

Cornell 3D Passive Walker

Ruina et al.

Cornell Ranger Passive Walker

Cockroaches Running

Cockroach running; video looks similar to Robert Full work, but posted by Sponberg at Georgia Tech.


RHex running; attributed to Koditschek at U Penn, but posted by Sponberg at Georgia Tech.

RHex parkour.

Ghost Minitaur

Ghost Robotics Minitaur, developed by Koditschek at al at U Penn.

Scout II Robot

Buehler et al, McGill.

TU Delft Leo

Reinforcement Learning on autonomous humanoid robots, Schuitema, TU Delft, 2012.

Bayesian Gait Optimization

Bayesian Gait Optimization, Deisenroth et al, LION 2014