Final Project Documentation

Each final project requires an accompanying report. This final reflection is in two parts intended to cover both your kinetic sculpture contribution and your final composition for the ensemble.

The section on your sculpture is intended to present the project as a completed artifact, with an emphasis on how it explores specific concepts or questions related to the course themes and theatrical context. Overall, it should document how the context spurred questions, the specific choices made in response, how the realization explored those choices, and how future work could improve the result. Enough technical documentation must be provided that a person skilled in the art can understand the design and construction of the project.

The section on your composition is intended as a thematic statement to accompany the work. Please also comment on your inspiration and discoveries you made rendering them with the constraints of the medium. Please reflect on the contrasts you observed between the disparate systems within the theater.

You must also include a one to four minute performance video documenting the work. It is preferable to record this within the room to avoid glare from the windows.

Checklist for Final Project Documentation

For each section, please include:

  1. A final title for the work.

  2. A clear statement of the project narrative. What was your concept?

  3. A discussion of outcomes. What did you learn?

Supporting technical documentation linked into document:

  1. All program source code is required and must be provided as an uploaded file. Source code should be provided in original format packaged in a single zip file.

  2. All original mechanical CAD files should be uploaded in the original format packaged in a single zip file.

  3. Photographs posted inline to highlight specific design elements.