Double Pendulum Graphical Models

The rcp.QtDoublePendulum module contains several classes which use PyQt5 to render GUI cartoon representations of a double-pendulum system.


class rcp.QtDoublePendulum.QtDoublePendulum(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: QWidget

Custom widget representing a double pendulum.


Update the joint angles for the double pendulum cartoon. Angles are in radians, with zero defined pointing straight down, and CCW positive rotations.


positions – an array or ndarray with at least two elements [q0 q1]

class rcp.QtDoublePendulum.QtDoublePendulumItem(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: QGraphicsItem

Custom QGraphicsItem representing a double-pendulum in a QGraphicsScene.


Update the joint angles for the double pendulum cartoon. Angles are in radians, with zero defined pointing straight down, and CCW positive rotations.


positions – an array or ndarray with at least two elements [q0 q1]