MIDI Input and Output


Objects related to MIDI event processing.

class rcp.midi.MIDIEncoder[source]

Abstract class for composing MIDI messages.

channel_pressure(channel, value)[source]

Send a Channel Pressure (aftertouch) message.

  • channel – MIDI channel, integer on [1,16]

  • value – MIDI value, integer on [0,127]

control_change(channel, controller, value)[source]

Send a Controller Change message.

  • channel – MIDI channel, integer on [1,16]

  • controller – MIDI controller index, integer on [0,127]

  • value – MIDI value, integer on [0,127]


Overridable method to output a single MIDI message.


message – list of integers constituting a MIDI message

note_off(channel, note, velocity=0)[source]

Send a Note On message.

  • channel – MIDI channel, integer on [1,16]

  • note – MIDI note, integer on [0,127]

  • velocity – optional MIDI velocity, integer on [0,127], normally zero, default zero

note_on(channel, note, velocity)[source]

Send a Note On message.

  • channel – MIDI channel, integer on [1,16]

  • note – MIDI note, integer on [0,127]

  • velocity – MIDI velocity, integer on [0,127]

polyphonic_key_pressure(channel, key, pressure)[source]

Send a Polyphonic Key Pressure message.

  • channel – MIDI channel, integer on [1,16]

  • note – MIDI note, integer on [0,127]

  • pressure – MIDI aftertouch, integer on [0,127]

class rcp.midi.MIDIProcessor[source]

Abstract class for processing MIDI events. Provides a callback for the specific MIDI events we use in our systems so this may be subclassed to implement a MIDI stream processor. This defines an informal protocol for MIDI input. This may be extended to more event times as needed.

channel_pressure(channel, value)[source]

Function to receive messages starting with 0xD0 through 0xDF.

  • channel – integer from 1 to 16

  • value – integer from 0 to 127

control_change(channel, control, value)[source]

Function to receive messages starting with 0xB0 through 0xBF.

  • channel – integer from 1 to 16

  • control – integer from 0 to 127; some have special meanings

  • value – integer from 0 to 127


Decode a MIDI message expressed as a list of integers and perform callbacks for recognized message types.


message – list of integers containing a single MIDI message


Interpret a MPD218 knob control change event as a knob index and bank position. The MPD218 uses a non-contiguous set of channel indices so this normalizes the result. The knob index ranges from 1 to 6 matching the knob labels. Bank 0 is the A bank, bank 1 is the B bank, bank 2 is the C bank.


cc – an integer MIDI control channel identifier


(knob, bank)


Interpret a MPD218 pad event key value as a row, column, and bank position. Row 0 is the front/bottom row (Pads 1-4), row 3 is the back/top row (Pads 13-16). Column 0 is the left, column 3 is the right. Bank 0 is the A bank, bank 1 is the B bank, bank 2 is the C bank.


key – an integer MIDI note value


(row, column, bank)

note_off(channel, key, velocity)[source]

Function to receive messages starting with 0x80 through 0x8F.

  • channel – integer from 1 to 16

  • key – integer from 0 to 127

  • velocity – integer from 0 to 127

note_on(channel, key, velocity)[source]

Function to receive messages starting with 0x90 through 0x9F.

  • channel – integer from 1 to 16

  • key – integer from 0 to 127

  • velocity – integer from 0 to 127

polyphonic_key_pressure(channel, key, value)[source]

Function to receive messages starting with 0xA0 through 0xAF.

  • channel – integer from 1 to 16

  • key – integer from 0 to 127

  • value – integer from 0 to 127

class rcp.midi.QtMIDIListener(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Object to manage a MIDI input connection.


Attach an object to receive MIDI input events, generally a subclass of MIDIProcessor.


Return a list of unique names for the current MIDI input ports. Duplicate names are modified to guarantee the uniqueness condition.


Open the MIDI in port with the given name (a string). If the port is already open, this will close it first.

class rcp.midi.QtMIDISender[source]

Object to manage a MIDI output connection using rtmidi.


Return a list of names of the current MIDI output ports.


Send a single MIDI message.


message – list of integers constituting a MIDI message


Open the MIDI out port with the given name (a string). If the port is already open, this will close it first.