Day 13: (Tue Oct 8, Week 7) Prototyping

Notes for 2024-10-08.


Overdue: due Thu Oct 3: please submit documentation for proof-of-concept parts to Assignment 6 Shared Folder (photos, CAD files).


Parts can be 3D-printed on the IDeATe Mosaic system using the following queue: RCP-F24 3D Printer Submissions.


  1. Review proof-of-concept parts (Assignment 6 Shared Folder)

  2. Quick design inventory

  3. Individual group consultations


Arm/Creature/Worm in a Box

  1. one stepper motor driving the base

  2. three pneumatic cylinders (two 27mm 6”; one 38mm 6”)

  3. wooden gearing for the stepper motor

Boom Wheel

  1. wood and yarn spoked wheel

  2. one stepper motor

  3. motor mounting

  4. two-axis base pivot

  5. optional counterweight