Google Shared Drive

Updated for Fall 2024.

Each iteration of the course has collected student documentation of exercises and projects into an ad hoc web archive hosted on the past course sites. This has proved very useful as inspiration and reference to successive classes. From Fall 2014 through Fall 2022, the student work was managed via a WordPress site attached to the course site (e.g. RCP WordPress).

Since Fall 2023, students now submit work to the appropriate folder on the Google RCP-F24 Shared Drive. The use of a Shared Drive will allow the text, photos, and video to persist past your own departure. Files owned by the Shared Drive will be retained even after your student Google Drive expires and is deleted.

Please note that students always have the right to keep this documentation private in keeping with the FERPA law. This can be implemented using the web and share permissions on files and folders. However, publicly readable submission is encouraged. Pseudonymous publication is also an option.

Documentation Procedure

Nearly every exercise and project deadline requires at least a brief report, typically a short text, supporting photos, and frequently a supporting video. Following are guidelines for preparing and submitting this documentation.

  1. Upload or move your materials to your designated folder found within the RCP-F24 Shared Drive.

    • Please keep your materials organized and named within this folder in a reasonable way in case I need to go looking for an item. However, this structure is at your discretion.

  2. Please choose one document to be the top-level item for a given report. This is typically a Google Doc, but in some cases could be Slides, Sheets, or video.

    • Please insert photos directly within your doc.

    • Please add links within your doc for videos, uploaded zip files, or any other related items.

    • Please insert short code samples into your doc as a specially formatted Code block.

      • In a Google Doc, this can be created using menus “Insert/Building blocks/Code block/Python”.

    • Please upload long code samples or multi-file sketches as separate items and link them into the doc.