Boom-Monopod Model

The boom-monopod model simulates elements of legged locomotion using a single-legged hopping device on the end of a planarizing boom.

The base of the joint includes an unactuated universal joint which allow vertical boom motion and ‘forward’ travel in a circle around the base. In the reference pose, the boom is slanted to keep the base pivots low to the floor. Placing the pivot center near the contact plane minimizes radial foot motion during stance. At the end of boom is a nominally horizontal axis to allow body pitch.

In this implementation, the body pitch axis is actuated to allow controlling the leg angle with respect to the floor. This makes control much easier but diverges from an approximation of free locomotion.

The default controller produces a hopping motion at controlled speed. The leg spring is simulated using a linear leg actuator in force control mode. Constant thrust is provided by changing the spring setpoint during the takeoff portion of the gait cycle. The speed control applies linear feedback to the leg angle to adjust estimated speed to the reference speed.

Note: simulating the spring in the controller requires setting the WorldInfo basicTimeStep lower than normal. An alternate strategy might be to tune the PID control to simulate the physical leg spring.

This model is demonstrated in the boom-monopod.wbt world available within the archive.


Screenshot of Webots model of the boom-monopod. For scale, the boom tube defaults to 1 meter long.

Boom Monopod Proto

  1#VRML_SIM R2023b utf8
  2# Actuated monopod on the end of a passive boom. The boom base has NULL physics
  3# so it will be fixed in place.
  4# documentation url:
  5# license: No copyright, 2020-2024 Garth Zeglin.  This file is explicitly placed in the public domain.
  6# template language: javascript
  7PROTO boom-monopod [
  8  field SFVec3f    translation   0 0 0
  9  field SFRotation rotation      0 1 0 0
 10  field SFFloat    boomLength    1.0
 11  field SFFloat    legLength     0.2
 12  field SFString   controller    "boom_monopod"
 13  field SFString   name          "monopod"
 14  field SFString   customData    ""
 17  Robot {
 18    # connect properties to user-visible data fields
 19    translation IS translation
 20    rotation IS rotation
 21    controller IS controller
 22    name IS name
 23    customData IS customData
 25    # calculate derived parameters
 26    %<
 27      let boomLength         = fields.boomLength.value;
 28      let legLength          = fields.legLength.value;
 29      let baseCylinderHeight = 0.050;
 30      let boomYHeight        = baseCylinderHeight + 0.050;
 31      let halfBoomLen        = 0.5*boomLength;
 32      let halfLegLength      = 0.5*legLength;
 33      let boomRise           = legLength - boomYHeight + 0.1050;
 34      let boomAngle          = Math.asin(boomRise/boomLength);
 35    >%
 37    # define the kinematic tree
 38    children [
 40      # add a default radio receiver and transmitter
 41      Receiver {
 42        channel 1
 43      }
 44      Emitter {
 45        channel 1
 46      }
 48      # cylindrical base shape
 49      Pose {
 50        translation 0 0 %<= 0.5*baseCylinderHeight >%
 51        children [
 52          Shape {
 53            appearance DEF boomAppearance PBRAppearance {
 54              baseColor 0.21529 0.543008 0.99855
 55              metalness 0.5
 56              roughness 0.5
 57            }
 58            geometry Cylinder {
 59              height %<= baseCylinderHeight >%
 60              radius 0.2
 61            }
 62          }
 63        ]
 64      }
 65      # define the base pivot joint connecting the base
 66      # and the first link
 67      HingeJoint {
 68        jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
 69          axis 0 0 1
 70        }
 71        device [
 72          PositionSensor {
 73            name "boom_z"
 74          }
 75        ]
 76        # define the body in the center of the base universal joint
 77        endPoint Solid {
 78          translation 0 0 %<= baseCylinderHeight >%
 79          physics Physics { }
 80          # define a body to represent the joint center
 81          children [
 82            DEF blockShape Pose {
 83              translation 0 0 0.025
 84              children [
 85                Shape {
 86                  appearance USE boomAppearance
 87                  geometry Box {
 88                    size 0.1 0.1 0.050
 89                  }
 90                }
 91              ]
 92            }
 94            # define the second axis of the base joint
 95            HingeJoint {
 96              jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
 97                axis 0 1 0
 98                anchor 0 0 0.050
 99              }
100              device [
101                PositionSensor {
102                  name "boom_y"
103                }
104              ]
105              # start definition of the boom link, with coordinates rotated so +X is along
106              # the tilted slope of the boom
107              endPoint Solid {
108                translation 0 0 0.050
109                rotation 0 -1 0 %<= boomAngle >%
110                physics Physics { density 300 }
111                children [
112                  # boom cylinder shape
113                  DEF boomShape Pose {
114                    translation %<= halfBoomLen >% 0 0.0
115                    rotation 0 1 0 1.5708
116                    children [
117                      Shape {
118                        appearance USE boomAppearance
119                        geometry Cylinder {
120                          radius 0.025
121                          height %<= fields.boomLength.value >%
122                        }
123                      }
124                    ]
125                  }
126                  # define the boom_x joint at the end of the boom for body pitch rotation
127                  # the axis is rotated so the +X is once again level
128                  HingeJoint {
129                    jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
130                      axis %<= Math.cos(boomAngle) >%   0   %<= -Math.sin(boomAngle) >%
131                      anchor %<= fields.boomLength.value >% 0 0
132                    }
133                    device [
134                      PositionSensor {
135                        name "boom_x"
136                      }
137                      RotationalMotor {
138                        name "pitch"
139                      }
140                    ]
141                    # define the block at the end of the boom representing the body mass
142                    endPoint Solid {
143                      translation %<= fields.boomLength.value >% 0 0
144                      rotation 0 1 0 %<= boomAngle >%
145                      physics Physics { density 300 }
146                      children [
147                        DEF boomEndShape Pose {
148                          translation 0.050 0 0
149                          children [
150                            Shape {
151                              appearance USE boomAppearance
152                              geometry Box {
153                                size 0.100 0.100 0.050
154                              }
155                            }
156                          ]
157                        } # end boomEndShape Pose
159                        # define the 'monopod' vertical leg joint as a slider
160                        # positive displacement lengthens the leg
161                        SliderJoint {
162                          jointParameters JointParameters {
163                            axis 0 0 -1
164                            minStop -0.2
165                            maxStop  0.0
166                          }
167                          device [
168                            PositionSensor {
169                              name "leg_encoder"
170                            }
171                            LinearMotor {
172                              name "leg_actuator"
173                              maxForce 100
174                            }
175                          ]
176                          # define the monopod leg and foot
177                          # the coordinates are rotated so Z is vertical w.r.t world
178                          endPoint Solid {
179                            translation 0.1 0 0
180                            physics Physics { density 200 }
181                            children [
182                              # vertical leg cylinder
183                              Pose {
184                                # translation 0 0 %<= -0.25 * legLength >%
185                                children [
186                                  Shape {
187                                    appearance DEF legAppearance PBRAppearance {
188                                      baseColor 0.413001 1 0.33489
189                                      metalness 0.5
190                                    }
191                                    geometry Cylinder {
192                                      height %<= 2.0*legLength >%
193                                      radius 0.020
194                                    }
195                                  } # end leg cylinder Shape
196                                ] # end children of leg Pose
197                              } # end leg Pose
198                              # smaller foot cylinder, turned on side
199                              DEF footShape Pose {
200                                translation 0 0 %<= -legLength - 0.050 >%
201                                rotation 0 1 0 1.5708
202                                children [
203                                  Shape {
204                                    appearance USE legAppearance
206                                    geometry Cylinder {
207                                      height 0.030
208                                      radius 0.050
209                                    }
210                                  } # end foot Shape
211                                ] # end children of foot Pose
212                              } # end foot Pose
213                            ] # end children of monopod endPoint Solid
214                            boundingObject USE footShape
215                          } # end endPoint Solid for monopod
216                        } # end monopod leg SliderJoint
217                      ] # end children of endPoint Solid for boom end block
218                      boundingObject USE boomEndShape
219                    } # end endPoint Solid for boom end block
220                  } # end boom_x HingeJoint
221                ] # end children of boom_y endpoint Solid
222                boundingObject USE boomShape
223              } # end boom_y endpoint Solid
224            } # end boom_y HingeJoint
225          ] # end children of boom_z endpoint Solid
226          boundingObject USE blockShape
227        } # end boom_z endpoint Solid
228      } # end boom_z HingeJoint
229    ] # end children of Robot
230  } # end Robot
231} # end body of proto

  1# boom_monopod
  2# Copyright, 2024, Garth Zeglin.
  3# Sample Webots controller file for driving a monopod mounted on a passive boom.
  5print(" waking up.")
  7# Import standard Python libraries.
  8import math
 10# Import the Webots simulator API.
 11from controller import Robot
 13# Define the time step in milliseconds between controller updates.
 17class Monopod(Robot):
 18    def __init__(self):
 20        super(Monopod, self).__init__()
 21        self.robot_name = self.getName()
 22        print("%s: controller connected." % (self.robot_name))
 24        # Connect to the radio receiver.
 25        self.receiver = self.getDevice('receiver')
 26        self.receiver.enable(100) # milliseconds of sampling period
 27        self.message_base_address = "/" + self.robot_name
 29        # Fetch handles for the motors.
 30        self.pitch_motor = self.getDevice('pitch')
 31        self.leg_actuator = self.getDevice('leg_actuator')
 33        # Use the leg linear actuator in force mode.
 34        self.leg_actuator.setPosition(math.inf)
 35        self.leg_actuator.setForce(0)
 37        # The controller uses a fixed thrust on takeoff with no altitude control.
 38        # The units are meters of leg spring compression.
 39        self.thrust = 0.040
 41        # Target speed in boom_z radians/sec.
 42        self.speed = 1.0
 44        # Fetch handles for the joint sensors.
 45        self.boom_z  = self.getDevice('boom_z')
 46        self.boom_y  = self.getDevice('boom_y')
 47        self.boom_x  = self.getDevice('boom_x')
 48        self.leg_len = self.getDevice('leg_encoder')
 50        # Enable the sensors at full cycle rate.
 51        for s in [self.boom_z, self.boom_y, self.boom_x, self.leg_len]:
 52            s.enable(EVENT_LOOP_DT)
 54        # Initialize state estimation.
 55        self.delta_t = EVENT_LOOP_DT * 0.001
 56        self.sim_time = 0.0
 57        self.b_x, self.b_y, self.b_z    = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 58        self.b_xd, self.b_yd, self.b_zd = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 59        self.b_x_last, self.b_y_last, self.b_z_last = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 60        self.leg_length = 0.0
 62        # The pitch motor is driven in position mode.
 63        self.pitch_motor.setPosition(0.0)
 65    #================================================================
 66    def poll_sensors(self):
 67        """Read sensors and update filters."""
 69        # Read the boom angles to determine the spatial position.  A positive b_z is
 70        # forward travel, a positive b_y is foot to ground contact, a positive b_x
 71        # is negative pitch, i.e. foot placed forward.
 72        self.b_z = self.boom_z.getValue()
 73        self.b_y = self.boom_y.getValue()
 74        self.b_x = self.boom_x.getValue()
 76        # Calculate velocities using finite difference.
 77        self.b_zd = (self.b_z - self.b_z_last) / self.delta_t
 78        self.b_yd = (self.b_y - self.b_y_last) / self.delta_t
 79        self.b_xd = (self.b_x - self.b_x_last) / self.delta_t
 81        self.b_x_last, self.b_y_last, self.b_z_last = (self.b_x, self.b_y, self.b_z)
 83        # Read the leg length sensor as a step toward simulating a leg spring.  Leg
 84        # length is positive as the leg extends, i.e., is normally decreasing during
 85        # landing and increasing during takeoff.
 86        self.leg_length = self.leg_len.getValue()
 87        return
 89    #================================================================
 90    def poll_control(self):
 91        """Update control model.  Note that the leg spring is simulated using a
 92        force actuator, so this also computes the passive leg spring physics."""
 94        # Choose a pitch angle proportional to the speed error.
 95        self.pitch_motor.setPosition(-0.3 * (self.speed - self.b_zd))
 97        # Superimpose thrust force during liftoff phase.  The condition
 98        # is that the foot is in contact but the boom velocity is upwards.
 99        if self.b_y > 0.0 and self.b_yd < 0.0:
100            neutral = self.thrust
101        else:
102            neutral = 0.0
104        # Apply simulated spring force.  Positive forces extend the leg, i.e., press
105        # the foot against the ground.  A typical equilibrium force is about 6N
106        # representing the weight of the boom.  The spring constant is chosen k = F / d
107        # for roughly 50 mm of compression at equilibrium.
108        spring_force = -120.0 * (self.leg_length - neutral)
109        self.leg_actuator.setForce(spring_force)
111        # print(f"boom: y:{b_y}, z:{b_z}  leg_length: {leg_length} neutral: {neutral} force: {spring_force}")
112        return
114   #================================================================
115    def poll_receiver(self):
116        """Process all available radio messages."""
117        while self.receiver.getQueueLength() > 0:
118            packet = self.receiver.getString()
119            tokens = packet.split()
120            if len(tokens) >= 2:
121                if tokens[0].startswith(self.message_base_address):
122                    if tokens[0] == self.message_base_address + '/speed':
123                        self.speed = float(tokens[1])
124                        print("%s: set speed to %f" % (robot_name, self.speed))
125            # done with packet processing, advance to the next packet
126            self.receiver.nextPacket()
128   #================================================================
129    def run(self):
130        # Run loop to execute a periodic script until the simulation quits.
131        # If the controller returns -1, the simulator is quitting.
132        while self.step(EVENT_LOOP_DT) != -1:
133            # Read simulator clock time.
134            self.sim_time = self.getTime()
136            # Process sensor values.
137            self.poll_sensors()
139            # Poll the simulated radio receiver.
140            self.poll_receiver()
142            # Update control.
143            self.poll_control()
147# Start the script.
148robot = Monopod()