The approach used for this assignment was to shred cloth and sew it onto a ring, in order to achieve a sort of jellyfish-like shape. The overall goal was to achieve a flowing movement of the fabric in the vertical and horizontal direction. The fabric that I chose ended up being too stiff and heavy. A fabric with qualities closer to the ones of the silk we used in previous assignments would probably work well with this configuration.

In general, the fabric was meant to move in the way a jellyfish moves in the water. As I was sewing the fabric together, I realized this would not be possible because of the limitations of the quality of the fabric. That was when I decided to change my plan for the rigging, I created three arm-like extensions rather than one “body”.

When using the drum pad I noticed that the pattern up-down-left-right in continuous tapping motions created an interesting effect. One issue that I am still having with one of the strings is that it was not being moved by the rotation of the motor.