Author: garthzandrew-cmu-edu

poster for performance on May 4 2019

Pushing Air

Kinetic Fabrics, Inflatables and Soft Sculpture, and Exploded Ensemble Kresge Theatre & Alumni Concert Hall, CFA Saturday, May 4, 2019, 8-10PM Free and open to the public. Pushing…

Class 16: Rapid Performance Prototyping

If you have not yet sent me scans or photos of your ideation drawings, please do so today. Today: Quick TouchOSC demo. Quick explanation of DMX. Quick explanation…

Class 15: Programming Demos

If you have not yet sent me scans or photos of your ideation drawings, please do so today. Today we will discuss theory and practice of programming dynamic…

Assignment 6: Proposal and Proof of Concept

Due: Wed, Mar. 6, 11:59PM. For this sixth assignment, we are preparing the first stage of developing the final performance. It will serve as a project proposal, a…

Assignment 5: Pleated Instrument

Due: Mon, Feb. 25, 11:59PM. For this fifth assignment, we are going to consider not only the fabric structure and rigging, but the software which provides the affordances…

Class 12: Interface Programming

Thu, Feb 21. Reference Links General reference to sample code. The sample code package for today. documentation kf library documentation Additional documentation: PyQt5 Class Reference Basic…

Class 8: Intro to MIDI, OSC, and Live

Thu, Feb 7. Sample code reference. Basic MIDI Summary. OSC = Open Sound Control Ableton Live tutorials on Lynda available via the CMU Lynda portal.

Assignment 1: Moving Cloth

Due: Mon, Jan. 21, 5PM. Textiles are constantly in motion all around us, from clothing to flags to sails. But the central question of this course is how…

Coming Soon!

Kinetic Fabrics brings together the fields of robotics and textiles to explore their unified creative and expressive potential. It is a wide-open frontier for kinetic art, wearable art,…