Source code for kf.QtDMX

"""PyQt5 GUI objects for DMX lighting control and display."""
# Written in 2018-2019 by Garth Zeglin <>

# To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
# and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
# worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software.
# If not, see <>.

# standard Python libraries
from __future__ import print_function
import logging, functools
import numpy as np

# for documentation on the PyQt5 API, see
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

# set up logger for module
log = logging.getLogger('QtDMX')

# filter out most logging; the default is NOTSET which passes along everything
# log.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

[docs]class QtDMXControls(QtWidgets.QWidget): """A composite window providing a set of DMX channel sliders. :param channels: optional count of channels to control, defaults to 12 :param callback: optional callable which receives (channel, value) arguments """ def __init__(self, channels=12, callback=None): super(QtDMXControls,self).__init__() self.channels = channels # number of visible channels self.callback = callback # create the GUI elements self._setupUi() return
[docs] def connect_callback(self, callback): """Connect a callback to receive slider updates as (channel, value) arguments.""" self.callback = callback
[docs] def set_channel_count(self, channels): """Adjust the UI for a different number of DMX channels.""" if self.channels > channels: # if fewer need to be visible log.debug("Hiding extra DMX channel strips.") total = len(self.strips) for i in range(channels, total): self.strips[i].hide() self.channels = channels elif self.channels < channels: # if more need to be visible total = len(self.strips) if total > self.channels: log.debug("Unhiding DMX channel strips.") for i in range(self.channels, total): self.strips[i].show() if channels > total: log.debug("Adding more DMX channel strips.") for i in range(total, channels): self.sliderLayout.addWidget(self._make_channel_strip(i)) self.channels = channels return
[docs] def get_channel_count(self): return self.channels
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _make_channel_strip(self, i): channel_strip = QtWidgets.QWidget() box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() channel_strip.setLayout(box) slider = QtWidgets.QSlider() slider.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(20, 60)) slider.setMaximum(255) slider.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) slider.valueChanged['int'].connect(functools.partial(self._sliderMoved, i)) self.sliders.append(slider) label = QtWidgets.QLabel() label.setText("%d" % (i+1)) box.addWidget(slider) box.addWidget(label) self.strips.append(channel_strip) return channel_strip def _setupUi(self): # create the overall vertical layout self.mainLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.mainLayout.setContentsMargins(-1, -1, -1, 9) self.setLayout(self.mainLayout) # create a scrollable area to hold the channel strips, since a large setup can easily exceed the screen width self.scrollArea = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self.sliderWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.sliderLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.sliderLayout.setContentsMargins(-1, -1, -1, 9) self.sliderWidget.setLayout(self.sliderLayout) self.scrollArea.setWidget(self.sliderWidget) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.scrollArea) # generate an array of vertical 'channel strips' self.sliders = list() self.strips = list() for i in range(self.channels): channel_strip = self._make_channel_strip(i) self.sliderLayout.addWidget(channel_strip) # add some global change buttons self.buttonLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() button = QtWidgets.QPushButton() button.setText("All Off") button.pressed.connect(functools.partial(self._buttonPressed, "black")) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(button) button = QtWidgets.QPushButton() button.setText("All Half") button.pressed.connect(functools.partial(self._buttonPressed, "gray")) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(button) button = QtWidgets.QPushButton() button.setText("All Full") button.pressed.connect(functools.partial(self._buttonPressed, "white")) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(button) self.mainLayout.addLayout(self.buttonLayout) return # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sliderMoved(self, slider, value): # log.debug("DMX slider %s moved to %d", slider+1, value) if self.callback is not None: self.callback(slider, value) return def _buttonPressed(self, name): value = {'black' : 0, 'gray' : 127, 'white' : 255}.get(name) if value is not None: for slider in self.sliders: slider.setValue(value) return # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_channel(self, channel, value): """Change the position and value of a channel slider without issuing callbacks. This allows the set of sliders to be used as an output status display without creating infinite call loops. """ if channel < len(self.sliders): slider = self.sliders[channel] blocked = slider.blockSignals(True) slider.setValue(value) slider.blockSignals(blocked)
[docs] def set_channels(self, start, values): """Change the position and value of a set of channel sliders without issuing callbacks. This allows the set of sliders to be used as an output status display without creating infinite call loops. """ for i, value in enumerate(values): self.set_channel(start + i, value)
[docs]class QtDMXColors(QtWidgets.QWidget): """A graphical widget to display a set of RGB color fields. Note that the relationship between DMX channels and fixture colors depends on the specific fixtures and assigned addresses, so this mapping must be handled in user code. :param fixtures: optional number of simulated fixtures, defaults to 3 """ def __init__(self, fixtures=3): super().__init__() self.set_fixture_count(fixtures) return
[docs] def set_fixture_count(self, fixtures): self._colors = np.zeros((fixtures, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(40*fixtures, 40))
[docs] def get_fixture_count(self): return len(self._colors)
[docs] def set_channel(self, fixture, channel, value): """Change a single color channel within a single fixture.""" self._colors[fixture][channel] = value self.repaint() return
[docs] def set_color(self, fixture, color): """Change the color of a single fixture.""" self._colors[fixture] = color self.repaint() return
[docs] def set_colors(self, colors): numcolors = min(len(colors), len(self._colors)) for fixture in range(numcolors): self._colors[fixture] = colors[fixture] self.repaint() return
[docs] def paintEvent(self, e): geometry = self.geometry() width = geometry.width() height = geometry.height() qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) area_width = int(width / len(self._colors)) for i, color in enumerate(self._colors): x = i*area_width qp.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(x+2, 0, area_width-4, height), QtGui.QColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], 255)) qp.end() return