Source code for kf.path
"""Path generator objects for simulating low-level motion control.
# Written in 2018-2019 by Garth Zeglin <>
# To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
# and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
# worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software.
# If not, see <>.
# standard Python libraries
import math
[docs]class Path(object):
"""Representation of the current path generator for a single winch. This keeps
the physical calculations separate from the graphics. This reimplements the
functionality of Path.h and Path.cpp in the StepperWinch Arduino sketch.
The model is based on a second-order simple harmonic oscillator.
The command API should be kept compatible with the winch interface class which
transmits commands over a serial port to an Arduino-based winch.
def __init__(self):
# Model based on StepperWinch/Path. Units are 800 steps/rev.
self.q = 0.0 # current model position, in dimensionless units (e.g. step or encoder counts)
self.qd = 0.0 # current model velocity in units/sec
self.qdd = 0.0 # current model acceleration, in units/sec/sec
self.q_d = 0.0 # current model target position in dimensionless units
self.qd_d = 0.0 # current model target velocity in dimensionless units/sec
self.t = 0.0 # elapsed model time, in seconds
self.k = 4*math.pi*math.pi # proportional feedback gain, in (units/sec/sec)/(units), which is (1/sec^2)
self.b = 1.0 # derivative feedback gain, in (units/sec/sec)/(units/sec), which is (1/sec)
self.qd_max = 3500.0 # maximum allowable speed in units/sec
self.qdd_max = 35000.0 # maximum allowable acceleration in units/sec/sec
[docs] def update_for_interval(self, interval):
"""Run the simulator for the given interval, which may include one or more integration steps."""
while interval > 0.0:
dt = min(interval, 0.005)
interval -= dt
[docs] def step(self, dt):
# Model based on StepperWinch/Path. Units are 800 steps/rev.
# calculate the derivatives
self.qdd = self.k * (self.q_d - self.q) + self.b * (self.qd_d - self.qd)
# clamp the acceleration within range for safety
self.qdd = min(self.qdd_max, max(self.qdd, -self.qdd_max))
# integrate one time step
self.q += self.qd * dt
self.qd += self.qdd * dt
self.q_d += self.qd_d * dt # integrate the target velocity into the target position
self.t += dt
# clamp the model velocity within range for safety
self.qd = min(self.qd_max, max(self.qd, -self.qd_max))
# The command API follows which mimics the interface to the actual winches.
[docs] def set_target(self, position):
"""Set the absolute target position in dimensionless units."""
self.q_d = position
[docs] def increment_target(self, offset):
"""Add a signed offset to the target position. The units are dimensionless
'steps'. If using a microstepping driver, these may be less than a
physical motor step.
self.q_d += offset
[docs] def set_velocity(self, velocity):
"""Set the constant velocity of the target in units/sec"""
self.qd_d = velocity
[docs] def set_freq_damping(self, freq, damping):
"""Convenience function to set second order model gains in terms of natural
frequency and damping ratio. The frequency is in Hz, the damping ratio
is 1.0 at critical damping.
self.k = freq * freq * 4 * math.pi * math.pi
self.b = 2 * math.sqrt(self.k) * damping