Source code for kf.waves

"""Generators to simulate wave system dynamics.  The viewer classes can be found in QtWaves."""

# Written in 2003-2019 by Garth Zeglin <>

# To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
# and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
# worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software.
# If not, see <>.

import math, logging
import numpy as np

# set up logger for module
log = logging.getLogger('waves')

# filter out most logging; the default is NOTSET which passes along everything
# log.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

[docs]class Waves1D(object): """Simulation of a set of one-dimensional wave systems. :param channels: number of wave systems to simulate :param samples: number of sample points in each system """ def __init__(self, channels=5, samples=20): # scalar constants self.W = channels # Number of waves. self.N = samples # Number of sample points for each wave. self.k = 200.0*np.ones((self.W)) # Spring rate for node coupling for each wave. self.b = 0.5*np.ones((self.W)) # Node damping factor for each wave. self.k = self.k / (1 + np.arange(self.W)) self.period = 8.0*np.ones((self.W)) # Period of the default excitation for each wave. self.duty = 0.25*np.ones((self.W)) # Duty cycle of the default excitation for each wave. self.magnitude = 2.0*np.ones((self.W)) # Magnitude of the default excitation for each wave. self.qE = np.zeros((self.W)) # Position of the driven node for each wave. self.inputE = np.zeros((self.W), dtype=int) # Index of the driven node for each wave. # q is a (W,N) matrix of generalized wave coordinates (positions) # qd is a (W,N) matrix of generalized wave derivatives (velocities) self.q = np.zeros((self.W, self.N)) self.qd = np.zeros((self.W, self.N)) # Threshold flags are used to detect events. self.rising = np.zeros((self.W, self.N), dtype=bool) self.rising_edge_listener = None # elapsed integrator time self.t = 0.0 return
[docs] def set_all_damping(self, b): self.b = b*np.ones((self.W))
[docs] def set_all_period(self, period): self.period = period*np.ones((self.W))
[docs] def get_positions(self): """Return a (W, N) matrix of node position values where W is the number of waves and N is the number of samples.""" return self.q.copy()
[docs] def update_for_interval(self, interval): """Run the simulator for the given interval, which may include one or more integration steps.""" while interval > 0.0: dt = min(interval, 0.001) interval -= dt self._step(dt)
[docs] def connect_rising_edge_listener(self, callback): self.rising_edge_listener = callback
# ================================================================ def _step(self, dt): # calculate the excitation if self.t < 0: self.qE = np.zeros((self.W)) else: # phase ramps from [0,1) in a sawtooth phase = np.mod(self.t, self.period) / self.period # create a pulse train with the specified duty cycle self.qE = (phase < self.duty) * self.magnitude # create an accumulator for forces on all nodes force = np.ndarray((self.W, self.N)) # calculate coupling spring forces on all interior nodes # k (W, 1) * dQ (W, N-2) force[:,1:-1] = self.k.reshape((self.W, 1)) * (0.5*(self.q[:, 2:] + self.q[:, 0:-2]) - self.q[:,1:-1]) # Calculate coupling spring forces on boundary nodes. This assumes an open boundary condition at each end. force[:, 0] = self.k * (self.q[:, 1] - self.q[:, 0]) force[:,-1] = self.k * (self.q[:, -2] - self.q[:,-1]) # calculate damping on all nodes force -= self.b.reshape((self.W, 1)) * self.qd # apply the drive condition as an extra node coupling spring and damper force[:, self.inputE] += 4*self.k * (self.qE - self.q[:, self.inputE]) - 20*self.b * (self.qd[:,self.inputE]) # detect threshold events rising = self.q > (0.5 * self.qE.reshape((self.W, 1))) new_rising = np.logical_and(rising, np.logical_not(self.rising)) self.rising = rising if self.rising_edge_listener is not None: # iterate over the set of indicies of true elements for wave, particle in zip(*np.nonzero(new_rising)): self.rising_edge_listener(wave, particle) # calculate the node dynamics with forward Euler integration self.q += self.qd * dt self.qd += force * dt self.t += dt return
################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": obj = Waves1D() obj.update_for_interval(0.040)