gallery – 16-376 Spring 2019 Kinetic Fabrics Tue, 14 May 2019 03:12:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Moving Cloth: Martha Tue, 22 Jan 2019 01:59:41 +0000

My initial exploration of the machinery provided for this project revealed that fast but long lasting oscillation in the motors allowed for an expressive movement that, in combination with the sounds that came from the motors and the look of the fabric, allowed for an oddly animated quality. While exploring movements for the fabric, I noticed that the movement shown above made students working in the area around me laugh- while I wasn’t looking to make a funny piece, I felt that having any sort of reaction to what I was making was good, even if it was laughing. The fabric doesn’t look like any kind of animal or human, but it seems to have more of a personality an energy to it than one might expect out of a piece of fabric.

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