Due: Tues., Mar. 9, 10:30AM

Hobby Servo Samples List

  1. Actuate a piece of fabric with a pair of tendon lines using your servo and Circuit Playground. You may simply tape the servo down in a temporary mounting.
  2. Actuate one of your existing pneumatic actuators using the syringe with the servo motor and Circuit Playground circuit.

Hand Sewing Samples List

You will need 2 pieces of your muslin fabric cut at 6″x6″. For each technique below, make one full row. Follow along the video demonstrating six hand sewing techniques.

  1. Hand Sewing Introduction Demonstration – video by Natalya Pinchuk (basting stitch, tiny running stitch, backstitch, overcast, blanket, appliqué)


  • Upload a post with the following:
    • video of your two hobby servo samples
    • images of your six hand sewing samples
    • a few sentences about your approach and experience in the post.