Anishwar ~ I practiced embroidering the face designs with the sewing machine onto pieces of muslin. The goal of these experiments was to determine the style of the proxy faces and to practice using the sewing machine. I found that I liked messing with the settings so that I could use stitches that added textures to the lines.

Elise ~ My part was to look at the inflatables and practice with different designs that could elicit movement for the headpieces. The goal was to see what could possibly work and what does not work if we were to use pneumatics for our project. The first was practice and did not go so well, but I took elements that worked to use in the next two. The second was an attempt at something to go around the head but it closed tighter than expected. The third was my favorite as it was to be place above the eye. My hand pump is broken so I couldn’t film it too well with having to hold the hole closed. I thin the third test showed expansion and would lift fabric well.

Test 1
Test 2 Inflated
Test 2 relaxed
Test 3