Puppet Update

I assembled the Garth puppet and experimented with the different movements I could create using simple hand movements. I attempted to move the puppet using actions similar to the hobby servos, such as up and down and side – to – side. Using two strings attached to the hands and one string tied to the head, I could make the puppet’s hands move up and down and make it look like it was dancing. When I raised and lowered the puppet’s head it lifted the torso, which in turn made the puppet look like it was flexing its muscles.

Garth puppet made from tweed – like yarn, miscellaneous hardware parts, twisted wire, and metal gears.
Seeing the different movements created using three strings and hand movements

Code Update

Currently I am testing with the pressure sensor pad to start the movement of the motor. There is a slight problem with the motor itself, but I have implemented both the servo movement and sensor movement to move the motor based on the pressure received on the actual pad itself.