Final Report

To complete the Final Project assignment I would like each group to document their result and write a brief reflection on the process. Please collaborate with your group partner(s) to write one report per group.

The overall purpose of the documentation is to present your installation as a completed artifact. Your discussion should address how it explores the specific course themes of using soft materials as dynamic forms.

For the text, please explain the final intent, notable successes, and informative failures in at most two paragraphs. Please remember that our principal questions center on movement, so please consider the following:

  1. How does the site and environment inform your compositional choices?

  2. In what way does the piece express dynamics or motion?

  3. How did your movement concept change during your experiments?

  4. What was the most surprising discovery?

The documentation package must also include a high-quality video which conveys an impression of the experience. Please shoot and edit a sequence which captures as much of the visual, tactile, and dynamic experience as possible. In general fixed tripod shooting is preferred over hand-held unless deliberate camera motion is required. Please note this video is specifically experiential, not process documentation.

Please also include several still photographs which capture the essence of the experience.


Each group should please:

  1. post a Google Doc to the shared folder with the discussion text

  2. upload the main presentation video

  3. upload original photos as separate files

  4. upload a zip with program source code (if relevant)

I would like to post these videos to the public KF-S24 Project Gallery site. If you wish your video to remain private to the class, please note this in your writeup. By default I will post them without individual attribution, but please also indicate if there is a specific attribution you prefer.