Day 12: (Thu Feb 22, Week 6) Motorized Rigging

Notes for 2024-02-22.

New Assignments

Due Tuesday: please revise your rigging as needed and begin planning a performance.

Please use the following schedule sheet to reserve times in the space: KF-S24 A11 Reservations. Ad hoc work sessions are acceptable, but please yield the space to groups which sign up for times.


Looking ahead for the remainder of the first half:

  • Thu Feb 22: motor rigging, animation programming

  • Tue Feb 27: debug installation

  • Thu Feb 29: suspension installation critique

After the break: tactile show.


  1. Review of collective installation

    1. note: obtained one more C-stand

    2. discuss fine placement of stands

    3. discuss winch placement

    4. discuss monolights, fans, and footlight

  2. Review motion spline programming

  3. Post-installation

    • route USB hubs and cables for winches

    • install 12V winch power