Day 15: (Tue Mar 12, Week 9) Charrette

Notes for 2024-03-12.

New Assignments

New assignment, due by class Thu Mar 14: create a detailed drawing of an installation and upload to Exercise 7 Shared Folder.


  1. discuss final show

  2. references

  3. breakout sessions in groups

    • we’ll run as many rounds as we can

    • each time we’ll try to brainstorm several project ideas

    • we’ll try to focus on a different prompt each time

  4. creative constraints

    • installation within the A11 conference room

    • visitors may enter via the door (either solo or very small group)

    • experience must involve moving fabric in some way

    • each student will script an entire short show

  5. creative opportunities

    • we can add some limited visitor sensing

    • can use lights, fans, and winches as we have so far

    • could perhaps add non-diegetic sound (within reason)

  6. starting prompts (may evolve)

    • transcendence

    • community

    • darkness

    • comfort
