Day 25: (Thu Apr 18, Week 14) Installation Planning

Notes for 2024-04-18.


Revised schedule:

  • Wed Apr 24: start installation

  • Thu Apr 25: in-class review, as possible

  • Fri Apr 26: 5PM ‘soft opening’

  • Fri May 3: approximate deadline to deinstall and return borrowed materials


We have contingent approval for all the locations we discussed.

However, we’ve been requested to install during off-peak hours. Per the manager:

Typically, the 3rd floor gets busy around 11am., so if the students could set up before then or later in the evening it would be appreciated. I have CAUTION tape if you would like to rope off the area on the 3rd floor near the windows to keep people from sitting there in the morning of the install. Let me know if you need to borrow a ladder or anything. I think there is one on the 1st floor.

If are planning on programming a winch to run autonomously, the existing firmware is StepperSpline Arduino Sketch. I do not yet have a example modification but I can provide this if needed.