Syllabus: Kinetic Fabrics

16-376 IDeATe: Kinetic Fabrics
TR 12:00PM-1:50PM
Hunt Library A10 (IDeATe Physical Computing Lab)
Instructor: Dr. Garth Zeglin (garthz) (pronouns: he/him/his)
IDeATe Collaborative Course
Prerequisites: none

Course Description

Kinetic Fabrics brings together the fields of robotics and textiles to explore their unified creative potential. In this course we will explore the expression of moving fabric actuated using motors, air, and light by building and choreographing automated performative systems. The course emphasizes playful experimentation with soft materials to discover new potentials for automated gesture.

Students will learn basic textile skills such as hand and machine sewing to support construction of simple soft structures, using fabrics chosen for their kinetic effect. Students will learn elementary techniques for programming choreography in actuated systems using a mix of custom and commercial hardware and software.

The semester begins with a series of skill-building exercises, quick samples and experiments, and a review of historical and contemporary precedent work. This develops into group projects which culminate in a long-term kinetic installation for public display.

This IDeATe “collaborative” course has no formal prerequisites, but students are expected to have taken one of the IDeATe portal classes. Informally, students will be expected to have some knowledge of either physical computing technology or textile fabrication. The enrollment is limited to 15.

Note: this course has been significantly revised for Fall 2024.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course the students will be able to:

  1. identify and critique makers, works, and genres within the field of kinetic fabric

  2. formulate and discuss artistic questions and goals related to the field

  3. use elementary textile craft to fabricate soft moving structures

  4. create samples and prototypes of kinetic works through playful experimentation

  5. apply an existing actuation system to a fabric structure

  6. program automated choreography of a fabric sculpture

  7. collaborate in teams to generate, create, evaluate, and document ideas and projects

  8. document and reflect upon processes and finished assignments

Prerequisite Knowledge

The course has no formal prerequisites because the diverse nature of the student background and breadth of related skills makes it difficult to formulate precise rules.

However, the work expects each student to have junior-level technical skills within their own discipline. In general, this could mean experience with any one of textile craft, Python programming, animation, or composition. It is not expected that any individual possesses all related skills, and project teams are crafted with skill balance in mind.

But in practice, the pace of the course does assume some programming coursework or experience. Students without any programming experience have succeeded but should expect to spend additional time on rapid self-study of elementary Python programming.

Course Topics and Schedule

The daily agenda and assignment details will be posted to the course site. Assignment deadlines will be posted to your Canvas calendar.

The general plan for the semester is to spend the initial portion on several structured projects focusing on different technical skills, then transition to a longer final project. We begin with a few individual assignments, then each project is developed in pairs.

Weekly Calendar

The day-by-day progress is charted on the Daily Agenda Logbook pages. Following is the general plan.


Topics and Project Activities


contextual exploration, introduction to textiles


actuation systems


kinetic sample development, project ideation


Spring Break


installation storyboarding, proof-of-concept testing


project design, iteration, fabrication, and assembly


full system integration and testing


installation and exhibition


documentation, analysis, review and critique


The course Canvas site is used only for reporting grades. Details of all assignments can be found under Daily Agenda Logbook and submissions are either in-person or posted as Google docs to the designated location.

Assessment and Grading

This is a hands-on course based on lab exercises and projects. There are no quizzes or exams. Most assignments involve constructing some kind of physical demo or programming some motion.

Everybody is assumed to start with an A in the course. If you do the work you will keep it, but failing to fulfill the expectations will cause you to drift downward. The total grade in the course will be weighted approximately 60% for projects, 30% for exercises, and 10% for classroom participation and discussion.

Please note also that much of the feedback on your work will come in the form of critique and commentary rather than numerical scores. Please attend to this; the commentary will be a much more substantive guide to your personal learning process than the scoring.

Each project will also include a peer evaluation component. The purpose of this element is to identify the specific contributions of each group member to the project outcome. Individual scores for a project may vary from the group score based on peer reports and instructor observations.

Course Policies

Pandemic and Wellness

We are entering the semester on a normal basis, but there are a number of circumstances related to the ongoing pandemic which could affect the course.

No one should physically come to class if they are feeling unwell for any reason, whether Covid-19 or something else. Part of the responsibility of each student is respecting the welfare of others.

Please contact your instructor by email prior to class if you are sick. Please consider remote participation (if feasible); the Zoom meeting and password can be found on the office hours doc (login required). Generous allowances will be made after illnesses for renegotiating due dates and expectations.

Attendance Policy

Coming to class on time is mandatory. Attendance is recorded for each class and three unexcused absences will cost you 10% of your final grade, with an additional 10% for each successive missed class. If you must be absent, you must request approval in advance. Late requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Unexcused absences during review days will also reduce your individual project grade. We understand that your other courses have big deadlines, but the designated class hours are the most effective time for discussion and communication.


All assignments must be submitted by the required deadline, unless prior authorization is obtained from an instructor and documented in email. Verbal authorization is not sufficient: any verbal discussion of late submission must be documented with an emailed request and reply.

Assignments received within 24 hours of the deadline will receive half-score. Assignments received later than 24 hours will not be examined and receive zero score.

Assignments bounced for revision at the discretion of the instructor must be returned within 24 hours if not otherwise specified. This rule is meant to allow a grace period for reports which overlook a required element; please do not assume that incomplete work can be resubmitted.

However, please remember that something is always better than nothing. If the deadline is imminent, please submit whatever text, images, and drawings you can rather than do nothing. Always ask for an extension rather than silently fail to deliver.

Academic Integrity

We will be learning new skills in designing and constructing using textile media. As makers, it is fully acceptable to use found materials (patterns, video, images, etc) and to use these materials in creating new works of art/design. When using found materials (patterns, images, video, etc) in your own work there are two requirements:

  • Attribution. You must clearly identify where the found material came from or who made it.

  • Transformation. You must significantly transform the materials you are using. You should extend the material, modify it into something new, offer new insight into the concepts underlying the material, etc.

More information on CMU’s Academic Integrity policy can be found at

Electronic Devices

The use of devices for non-class activities is strictly prohibited during class time. This especially applies to phones and social media: leave it at home or leave it your pocket.

The instructor reserves the right to confiscate devices without notice. If a persistent problem develops, phones will be banned completely from class.

Class participation is essential for learning and collaboration. An individual engaging with outside distractions has an effect larger than their own attention: it distracts others and diffuses the group focus.

If you feel bored and in need of distraction, then I challenge you to spend that energy instead formulating a question about the material at hand.

Computing Needs

Each student is expected to provide computing resources for individual work. If this requirement constitutes an individual hardship, please contact the instructor. A limited number of laptops are available for borrowing from IDeATe.

The principal focus of the course is developing physical artifacts, but the automation and choreography involves Python scripting. The optional course-supported CAD system will be SolidWorks. You will also need support for basic video editing.

Physical Computing Lab

The designated classroom for the course is the IDeATe Physical Computing Lab in Hunt A10. Students will have access to the lab any time outside of scheduled class times via the ID card reader at the door. Please be courteous and refrain from entering during other classes.

Part of taking this course is joining the IDeATe interdisciplinary community. Students with lab access are expected to be a good community member and take responsibility for sharing resources wisely.

All lab users are expected to abide by the Physical Computing Lab Policies. The lab inventory of components and materials is available online at Physical Computing Lab Inventory. The lab usage schedule is online at IDeATe PhysComp Lab Calendar.

IDeATe Facilities

The course makes use of the IDeATe fabrication facilities and labs in the lower level of Hunt Library, subject to availability and the current IDeATe policies.

  1. IDeATe laser cutters will be available for trained students. Please see the IDeATe Laser Cutter Policies page for current details on qualification. Qualified students will gain long-term access.

  2. IDeATe Lending will be operating normally and material purchases will be available. Please see the IDeATe Lending (Hunt A29) page for current details.

  3. The Mosaic 3D printing system will be operating via an online queue for course-related projects. Resin 3D printing will be available on request.

  4. Currently, the normal library study spaces are operating on a reservation-only system.

The IDeATe facilities are shared student resources and spaces. As such, all members of the IDeATe community are expected to be respectful of the equipment, the spaces, and fellow students and their projects. Always clean up after completing your work, put things back in their correct place, and leave the lab in better condition than you found it.

Individual Support

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you have a disability and have an accommodations letter from the Disability Resources office, I encourage you to discuss your accommodations and needs with me as early in the semester as possible. I will work with you to ensure that accommodations are provided as appropriate. If you suspect that you may have a disability and would benefit from accommodations but are not yet registered with the Office of Disability Resources, I encourage you to contact them at

Respect for Diversity

It is my intent that students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways you see to improve equitable treatment of yourself or other students in the course so we can address these questions with clarity.

Student Health and Well-being

Please take care of yourself. Do your best to maintain a healthy lifestyle this semester by eating well, exercising, avoiding drugs and alcohol, getting enough sleep and taking some time to relax. This will help you achieve your goals and cope with stress.

If you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings like anxiety or depression, we strongly encourage you to seek support. Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) is here to help: call 412-268-2922 and visit Consider reaching out to a friend, faculty or family member you trust for help getting connected to the support that can help.

If you are having difficulty with your coursework, please be aware of the many resources available via the Student Academic Success Center, including coaching, tutoring, communication support, language and cross-cultural support, and supplemental instruction.

Last updated 2024-01-05.