Project: Weekly Report Slides

As we move ahead into the longer project it is too easy for the objectives to get lost amidst the weekly mire of class deadlines. For this reason, I am asking each group to post a brief progress report each week in the form of one or more slides summarizing the current progress and stating new week-by-week objectives.


  1. Reflect on weekly incremental progress,

  2. candidly identify and explain missed objectives,

  3. identify new questions raised by intermediate results.

  4. identify realizable week-by-week goals,

  5. and incrementally refine the specific artistic or design project narrative.

Note: acceptable reasons for missed objectives should report on difficulties of the work, not your schedule. E.g., valid reasons include missing materials, experimental failure, or new discoveries.


  1. I am asking for slides to emphasize visual documentation of concrete, physical progress. Please include photos of prototypes and sketches of new concepts.

  2. Each tangible result should both answer a question and raise additional questions. Please add sketches or text as appropriate to identify these questions.

  3. Please include video wherever possible, but please keep it brief.

  4. Creating a trail of progress documentation will provide essential support for writing the final report.


Each group should please:

  1. Create a slideshow in the appropriate Shared Drive folder with a minimum of one and maximum of three slides.

  2. If you include video, please upload the video file alongside the slides.