Day 1: (Tue Jan 14, Week 1) Welcome and Introduction¶
Notes for 2025-01-14.
Please bookmark this site:
Please make a tape nametag before we begin.
Welcome to 16-376 Kinetic Fabrics!¶
scope and style of the course
IDeATe Soft Technologies, Physical Computing minors
collaboration and reflection
major objective: outdoor public performance using soft materials
essential process: discovering new kinetic technique, refining, contextualizing
mutual introductions, In-Class Exercise: Interview Game
name tags and photos
Longer personal introduction.
Main objective: exploration of experimental technique in kinetic fabric sculpture.
emphasis on exploratory technique
both passive actuation and human operation are in scope
Essential learning goals:
playful research and discovery
using simple textile techniques to craft things which move well
applying various actuation systems to fabric
reflection, documentation, and critique
What the course is not:
fashion or costume
live stage performance
Potential directions to explore
hand-operated mechanisms
body-operated tendons
structured airflow (fans, wind)
tensegrity, fabric tension structures
Course site:
Daily log pages (like this one): Daily Agenda Logbook
revised Assessment and Grading
Attendance and tardiness policies.
Physical Computing Lab
card access
Physical Computing Lab use and abuse
we are sharing the room with many other classes (see IDeATe PhysComp Lab Calendar)
laser cutter qualification: see IDeATe Laser Cutters
my Office Hours and Zoom information (i.e. meetings on request)
New Assignments¶
New assignment, due by Tue Jan 21: Exercise: Precedent Research. Please submit your result as a Google doc or slideshow in the Exercise 1 Shared Folder prior to class.
Please complete the KF Spring 2025 Student Questionnaire if you haven’t already. This should just take a few minutes.
Please complete laser-cutter training if you have not already done so. As detailed on IDeATe Laser Cutters, there are several parts:
scheduled online course: BioRAFT Fire Extinguisher Training (please schedule immediately)
asynchronous online course: BioRAFT Laser Cutter Safety
more details on IDeATe Laser Cutter Guide
Breakout (time permitting)¶
Time permitting: short breakout session in different groups. Each should try to find several answers to the following questions:
What kinds of creative practice are represented in the group?
What physical, kinetic processes involving fabric would you be excited to try as an expressive medium?