Journal – Human-Machine Virtuosity An exploration of skilled human gesture and design, Spring 2015. Mon, 11 May 2015 20:01:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Day One Tue, 13 Jan 2015 13:02:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Agenda
  1. Introductions
  2. Brief course overview, in two parts
  3. Survey questions
  4. Logistics:
    • Card access
    • Web site
    • XSEAD
    • Blackboard
    • Safety
    • Machine qualification
  5. Exercise 1 introduction
    • Introduction of tools
    • Notebooks
    • Pair formation
  6. Room re-organization
  7. Begin exercise 1


The Blackboard area for the course should now be available, please let me know if there are any problems.  We have uploaded one reading to the Blackboard files area: Pye_Nature+and+Art+of+Workmanship.pdf

Please come to class Thursday prepared for physical experimentation and documentation as per Exercise 1:

Just to recap, this should include the following:

1. wear appropriate clothing
2. draw a few notebook diagrams as per exercise item 1.III (expected tool forces and trajectories)
3. find and understand some tool tutorials and expert references as per item 1.IV
4. prepare a simple work plan as per item 1.V

The plan for Thursday is Exercise 1, section 2: applying your tool to material to fabricate a simple form, reflecting on the physical and intuition processes, and documenting the process in video and sketches.

Please take a look through the syllabus sometime soon; it explains the course motivations in more detail and has a more detailed outline of the assignments:
