
Data collection and analysis demonstration.

Much of the code was duplicated from Grasshopper/HouseOfCards:

This is an ad-hoc parser for CSV motion capture files generated by Motive 1.5. This is the Optitrack CSV 1.1 version, superseded in later versions of Motive. In particular, the IDeATe Optitrack motion capture system in Hunt A10A runs Motive 1.9 which uses an entirely different Optitrack CSV 1.21 version format.

Please note that this code permutes the dimensions of incoming point data to better match Rhino conventions in which Z is ‘up’.

## A single purpose script to parse motive tracker version 1.5 csv export data.
## Rigid bodies represented as GH planes using Rhino Script Syntax.
## Josh Bard, Carnegie Mellon University 01.20.17    

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

def frameDataFromCSV(CSVPath):
    """ creates a structured list of MOCAP frame data from a single 
        Motive Tracker session exported to CSV
        Input: path to CSV file
        Output: a list of frames with the following structure:
                [timestamp, for each rb [id,[x,y,z],[roll,pitch,yaw] or 
                [None](for dropped rb), num dropped rbs in frame]"""
    frames = []
    with open (CSVPath) as MocapData: # open csv file and close when finished
        for line in MocapData.readlines(): 
            rawLine = line.split(',')
            # determine total num of rbs tracked during session found in 
            # default "info" file header
            if (rawLine[0] == "info" and rawLine[1] == "rigidbodycount"):
                rb_Total = int(rawLine[2]) 

           # construct data at each frame
            elif (rawLine[0] == "frame"): # Motive convention for labeling rows
                rb_Count = int(rawLine[3]) # num rbs tracked in frame
                rb_Dropped = rb_Total - rb_Count # num dropped rbs in frame
                # initialize single frame
                frame = []
                frame.append(float(rawLine[2])) # add timestamp
                frame.extend([[None] for _ in range(rb_Total)]) # dropped rbs remain None
                # for each tracked rigid body compile frame data
                for i in range (rb_Count):
                    fos = i*11 # fixed offset per rigid body def
                    id = int(rawLine [4 + fos]) # motive assigned id
                    pos = [float(x) for x in rawLine[5+fos:8+fos]] # [x,y,z]
                    orient = [float(x) for x in rawLine[12+fos:15+fos]] #[roll,pitch,yaw]
                    frame[id] = [id]+[pos] + [orient]
    return frames 

def movePlane(x,y,z,scale = True):
    """move and optionally scale a generic plane
       Note: Motive units set to meters. scale if rhino units set to mm"""
    basePlane = rs.WorldXYPlane()
    movePoint = rs.AddPoint(x,y,z)
    origin = (0,0,0)
    if scale == True:
        scale = (1000,1000,1000)
        movePoint = rs.ScaleObject(movePoint,origin,scale)
    movePlane = rs.MovePlane(basePlane,movePoint)
    return movePlane

def rotatePlane (x,y,z,rz,rx,ry,scale):
    """Rotate base plane about rz,ry,rx(yaw,pitch,roll)"""
    basePlane = movePlane(x,y,z,scale)
    rzPlane = rs.RotatePlane(basePlane,rz,basePlane.ZAxis)
    ryPlane = rs.RotatePlane(rzPlane,ry,rzPlane.YAxis)
    rotatePlane = rs.RotatePlane(ryPlane,rx,ryPlane.XAxis)
    return rotatePlane

def genRbPlane(rb_data,scale):
    if (rb_data[0] != None):
        x,y,z = rb_data[1][0],rb_data[1][1],rb_data[1][2]
        rz,ry,rx = rb_data[2][0],rb_data[2][1],rb_data[2][2]
        rb_plane = rotatePlane(x,y,z,rz,rx,ry,scale)
        return rb_plane
    else: return None

def compileRbPlanes(frame_data,scale):
    rb_num = (len(frame_data[0])- 2)
    rb_planes = [[] for _ in range(rb_num)]
    for frame in frame_data:
        for rb in range(rb_num):
            rb_plane = genRbPlane(frame[rb+1],scale)
    return rb_planes           

def list_to_tree(input, none_and_holes=True, source=[0]):
    """Transforms nestings of lists or tuples to a Grasshopper DataTree
    from Grasshopper import DataTree as Tree
    from Grasshopper.Kernel.Data import GH_Path as Path
    from System import Array
    def proc(input,tree,track):
        path = Path(Array[int](track))
        if len(input) == 0 and none_and_holes: tree.EnsurePath(path); return
        for i,item in enumerate(input):
            if hasattr(item, '__iter__'): #if list or tuple
                track.append(i); proc(item,tree,track); track.pop()
                if none_and_holes: tree.Insert(item,path,i)
                elif item is not None: tree.Add(item,path)
    if input is not None: t=Tree[object]();proc(input,t,source[:]);return t

def printMOCAPSessionReport (frame_data):        
    frame_num = len(frame_data)
    rb_num = (len(frame_data[0])- 2)
    droppedRbCount = 0
    droppedFrameCount = 0
    captureDuration = frame_data[-1][0]
    for frame in frame_data:
        droppedRbCount += frame[-1]
        if frame[-1] == rb_num: droppedFrameCount +=1
    per_droppedFrames = droppedFrameCount/frame_num
    per_droppedRbs = droppedRbCount/(rb_num * frame_num)
    report = (
               'There were %d rigid bodies tracked in the scene\n'
               'There were %d frames captured during this session\n'
               'There were %d (%.3f%%) dropped rigid bodies during the session\n'
               'There were %d (%.3f%%) dropped frames during the session\n'
               'capture duration %.2f seconds'
                ) %(rb_num,frame_num,droppedRbCount,per_droppedRbs,
    return report

## Generate data for GH Output
frame_data = frameDataFromCSV(CSVPath)
print (printMOCAPSessionReport(frame_data))
rb_planes = list_to_tree(compileRbPlanes(frame_data,scale))