
This module contains Python code for managing Optitrack motion capture data.


This is a generic Python module for parsing Optitrack v1.2 CSV motion capture data. It is intended to remain compatible between command line C Python and the IronPython used for in RhinoPython.

optitrack.csv_reader : a plain-Python parser for reading Optitrack CSV files in version 1.2 or 1.21 format.

This uses only Python modules common between CPython, IronPython, and RhinoPython for compatibility with both Rhino and offline testing.

Reference for the format:

Note that the file format has changed significantly since version 1.1.

Copyright (c) 2016, Garth Zeglin. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license as included in LICENSE.

class optitrack.csv_reader.CSVReader(stream)[source]
class optitrack.csv_reader.ColumnMapping(setter, axis, column)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

class optitrack.csv_reader.Marker(label, ID)[source]

Representation of a single marker trajectory. Please note that the RigidBodyMarker trajectories associated with RigidBody objects are expected marker locations, not the real marker positions represented by Marker data.

class optitrack.csv_reader.RigidBody(label, ID)[source]

Representation of a single rigid body.

class optitrack.csv_reader.Take[source]

Representation of a motion capture Take. Each CSV file represents one Take.

readCSV(path, verbose=False, raw_markers=False)[source]

Load a CSV motion capture data file.

Reading the raw marker data adds significant time and memory usage, so it is disabled by default.

verbose: flag to enable debugging printout raw_markers: flag to enable processing of raw marker data


optitrack.geometry : plain-Python geometric utility functions.

This uses only Python modules common between CPython, IronPython, and RhinoPython for compatibility with both Rhino and offline testing.

Copyright (c) 2016, Garth Zeglin. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license as included in LICENSE.


Return a 3x3 rotation matrix representing the orientation specified by a quaternion in x,y,z,w format. The matrix is a Python list of lists.


Return the (xaxis, yaxis) unit vectors representing the orientation specified by a quaternion in x,y,z,w format.


This file provides all the functions needed by a GhPython script to translate CSV file data into Grasshopper data trees.

# : CSV v1.2 motion capture data loader for use within Grasshopper GhPython objects

# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Garth Zeglin. All rights reserved. Licensed under the
# terms of the BSD 3-clause license.

# This provides the glue between GhPython scripts and the underlying CSV reader
# functions; it uses RhinoCommon and Grasshopper API to create Grasshopper data
# trees from the Python objects returned by the CSV loader.

# Please note that this converts data from default Optitrack coordinates with a XZ
# ground plane to default Rhino coordinates with XY ground plane.

# use RhinoCommon API
import Rhino

# Make sure that the Python libraries that are also contained within this course
# package are on the load path. This adds the python/ folder to the load path
# *after* the current folder.  The path manipulation assumes that this module is
# still located within the Grasshopper/MocapDemo subfolder, and so the package
# modules are at ../../python.
# import sys, os
# sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))), "python"))

# use itertools for subsampling sequences
import itertools

# import the Optitrack CSV file parser
import optitrack.csv_reader as csv

# import a quaternion conversion function
from optitrack.geometry import quaternion_to_xaxis_yaxis

# load the Grasshopper utility functions from the course packages
from ghutil import *

def load_csv_file(path):
    take = csv.Take().readCSV(path)
    return take

# Convert from default Optitrack coordinates with a XZ ground plane to default
# Rhino coordinates with XY ground plane.

def rotated_point(pt):
    if pt is None:
        return None
        return Rhino.Geometry.Point3d( pt[0], -pt[2], pt[1])

def rotated_orientation(q):
    if q is None:
        return [0,0,0,1]
        return [q[0], -q[2], q[1], q[3]]

def plane_or_null(origin,x,y):
    """Utility function to create a Plane unless the origin is None, in which case it returns None."""
    if origin is None:
        return None
        return Rhino.Geometry.Plane(origin, x, y)

def all_Planes(take, stride=1):
    """Return a DataTree of trajectories containing Planes or None.

    The tree has one branch for each rigid body; each branch contains a list of
    objects, either Plane for a valid sample or None if the sample is missing.

    Due to implicit ghpython conversions, the branches will end up described by
    paths {0;0},{0;1},{0;2}, etc.

    :param stride: the skip factor to apply for subsampling input (default=1, no subsampling)

    # Extract the origin position data and convert to Point3d objects within a
    # Python list structure.  The subsampling is handled within the
    # comprehension.  Note that missing data is returned as None.  Each 'body'
    # in the take.rigid_bodies dictionary is a RigidBody object.  body.positions
    # is a list with one element per frame, either None or [x,y,z].
    origins = [ [rotated_point(pos) for pos in itertools.islice(body.positions, 0, len(body.positions), stride)] \
                for body in take.rigid_bodies.values()]

    # Similar to extract a tree of quaternion trajectories.  The leaves are
    # numbers, the dimensions are (num_bodies, num_frames, 4).
    quats = [ [rotated_orientation(rot) for rot in itertools.islice(body.rotations, 0, len(body.rotations), stride)] \
              for body in take.rigid_bodies.values()]

    # Generate a tree of basis vector pairs (xaxis, yaxis).  Dimensions are (num_bodies, num_frames, 2, 3)
    basis_vectors = [[quaternion_to_xaxis_yaxis(rot) for rot in body] for body in quats]

    # Extract the X axis basis elements into a tree of Vector3d objects with dimension (num_bodies, num_frames).
    xaxes = [[Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(*(basis[0])) for basis in body] for body in basis_vectors]

    # Same for Y.
    yaxes = [[Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(*(basis[1])) for basis in body] for body in basis_vectors]

    # Iterate over the 2D list structures, combining them into a 2D list of Plane objects.
    planes = [[plane_or_null(origin, x, y) for origin,x,y in zip(os,xs,ys)] for os,xs,ys in zip(origins, xaxes, yaxes)]

    # Recursively convert from a Python tree to a data tree.
    return list_to_tree(planes)

def rigid_body_marker_names(take):
    """Return a two-level DataTree of the rigid body marker names, organized by
    body.  N.B., these are the reconstructed (expected) marker trajectories, not
    the raw marker positions.

    names = list()
    for body in take.rigid_bodies.values():
    return list_to_tree(names)

def rigid_body_marker_points(take, stride=1):
    """Return a two-level DataTree of the rigid body marker trajectories, organized by
    body.  N.B., these are the reconstructed (expected) marker trajectories, not
    the raw marker positions.

    :param stride: the skip factor to apply for subsampling input (default=1, no subsampling)

    points = [ [ [rotated_point(pos) for pos in itertools.islice(marker.positions, 0, len(marker.positions), stride)]
                 for marker in body.markers.values() ]
               for body in take.rigid_bodies.values() ]
    return list_to_tree(points)