Day 26: (Mon Apr 25, Week 15) Last Week

Notes for 2022-04-25.

New Assignments

The final assignment will be a final report post due no later than Wed May 4: Final Project Documentation.


We have the room reserved from 4-5PM for setup on Wednesday and non-exclusively reserved for 5-6PM for the open house. This is low-key, I will print some posters to hang up around Hunt, and feel free to invite your friends to drop by.


  1. Candy review:

    1. I printed two mold boxes to make candy molds today.

    2. I tested four densities of ‘gummy’ gelatine (10% to 25%) and settled on 15%.

    3. I have not yet tested ‘bonding’.

  2. Main question: normally, the last class session would be a formal critique, but I am currently thinking it might be better spent on final preparation. The class is small enough we can hold some discussion during the show.