Day 2: (Mon Jan 22, Week 2) Soft Robotics Overview

Notes for 2024-01-22.

New Assignments

New assignment, due noon Wed: Exercise: Lateral Literature Search. Please submit to Exercise 2 Shared Folder. Please submit early so I can review posts before class.


  • Anyone using Zotero?


  1. Discussion of Rus and Tolley 2015 survey paper [R43].

    • Quick introduction and walkthrough.

    • Non-Glossary

    • What was especially confusing?

    • What unfamiliar terminology did you write down?

  2. Review of the first exercise writeups.

  3. Mid-class break.

  4. Brainstorming session. Let’s consider human applications of soft rubbery robots. This is intended to be an imaginative exercise, so no holds barred.

    1. We’ll break out into two groups.

    2. Brainstorm three or so project ideas.

    3. Make quick sketches on the whiteboard tables.

  5. Lateral search demo (related to next exercise):

    1. We’ll pick a paper for which we want to find similar, newer work.

      Polygerinos, Panagiotis, Zheng Wang, Kevin C. Galloway, Robert J. Wood, and Conor J. Walsh. “Soft Robotic Glove for Combined Assistance and At-Home Rehabilitation.” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Wearable Robotics, 73 (November 1, 2015): 135–43. [R40]

    2. Choose a root paper from its references: this is going backward in time to find earlier work. In this case I picked a broad survey paper:

      Heo, Pilwon, Gwang Min Gu, Soo-jin Lee, Kyehan Rhee, and Jung Kim. “Current Hand Exoskeleton Technologies for Rehabilitation and Assistive Engineering.” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 13, no. 5 (May 1, 2012): 807–24. [R9]

    3. Look the root paper up at Web of Science to examine its Citations list: this is going forward in time to find new work. This list could potentially grow each passing year. The sample above has at least 312 citations, of which at least 72 have the keyword ‘soft’.