Your post should include the Max patch that was created for the assignment. To post your patch:
Your posts should also include video and audio documentation of what your patch does. Video documentation can be delivered via Vimeo or Youtube – both offer free accounts. Formatting the video in a WordPress post is super-easy, just paste the link into the WordPress Visual editor [i.e. or], and WordPress will format it nicely, like so:
Sound recordings can be delivered via SoundCloud, which also offers free accounts. Posting SoundClouds is also super-easy, just post the link into the Visual editor [i.e.], and WordPress will auto-format it nicely, like so:
Under “Categories” tag your post with “Assignments”:
Don’t forget: After you have created your post on the website, you must turn in the assignment using Blackboard by pasting a link to your post in the “Text Submission” area.