Taylor Vence – 18-090 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/18-090/f2017 Twisted Signals Thu, 07 Dec 2017 05:03:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8.24 https://i1.wp.com/courses.ideate.cmu.edu/18-090/f2017/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/cropped-Screen-Shot-2016-03-29-at-3.48.29-PM-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Taylor Vence – 18-090 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/18-090/f2017 32 32 115419400 Assignment 1 – Taylor Vence https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/18-090/f2017/2017/09/06/taylor-vence/ Wed, 06 Sep 2017 13:26:12 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/18-090/f2017/?p=767 I used an online voice changer (https://voicechanger.io/) as a system to modify the song Here It Goes Again by OK Go. As the song was fed through, it was interesting to see which sounds/instruments kept their integrity the longest. Bass and middle notes seemed to fade out first, and the vocals were distinguishable almost until the very end. There were quite a few artifacts in the later editions, but I think that was part of using low tech digital equipment.

The process of uploading the song file and applying the filter was repeated only eight times until the song was completely unrecognizable.

Listen here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0PpTvWRSoHFc1M2T0tXbjc4MVU/view?usp=sharing
