Assignment 1 – Audacity is a Good Program

For this assignment I have taken the Pokemon Theme Song and subjected it to a strange phenomena with the audio editing program Audacity. If I shift the pitch of a sound up 10 semi-tones and then down 10 semi-tones, you would think I get the same sound. Wrong! Audacity does not perfectly convert the waves through this shift, resulting in a slow degradation of sound. [In retrospect using high quality stretching may avoid this issue from happening. I’m sorry, Audacity, you aren’t as bad as a program as I said you were]

I took the original song and subjected it to this treatment 99 times in Audacity, and then took the first 81 clips and created a “timeline” version of the song.

Here’s the original nostalgia trip (Loud Noise Warning).

10th Iteration

40th Iteration

75th Iteration

100th Iteration


“TIMELINE” (Sound warning again)[Note: Audio clipping is present. Had trouble fixing without altering the whole song]