– 18-090 Twisted Signals Tue, 18 Dec 2018 03:33:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 – 18-090 32 32 115419400 Yejin Lee-Assigment1 Wed, 05 Sep 2018 03:59:17 +0000 This project starts from printing an empty black image. I took a photography of this print and printed the photography again. I repeated this process over 115 times and observed how this process transforms the black color and the no-shape into different colors and forms. When I took these photography, the location was inside the room. I took photos always at the exactly same place which was on top of the table and under the same tungstent light condition. The time period was the night time, so that the natural light that is constantly changing did not effect the shape and the color of the photos. For the print, I only used mono-ink print, so that I can only focus on light and dark in terms of color.

As I repeated this process of printing and taking photos, the photos and the prints cast the shadow of my gesture taking photos. After all, the photos and the prints lost the originality of the blackness and the blankness and became a portrait of myself taking pictures.

