assignments – 18-090 Twisted Signals Tue, 18 Dec 2018 03:33:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 assignments – 18-090 32 32 115419400 Evie Bot Recursion- Assignment 1 Mon, 03 Sep 2018 20:40:25 +0000 Evie Bot is an online bot which is programmed to be smart to a certain extent which enables it to have good conversations with people. The concept of feedback sparked an idea and I thought ‘what if I made Evie have a conversation with herself?’ So whatever answer one Evie bot gave, I directed that towards the other Evie bot. As expected, the conversation grew pretty interesting. Through the progression of the conversation, we could observe the conversations dying down and one of the evie bots changing the topic or asking a different question. Some flaws in the programming of the online bot could be seen, particularly with its memory. For example, asking the same question again- ‘What is your favorite book?’ After having a look at the video, it becomes clearer the kind of conversation they are having. (Feel free to increase the playback speed). Since the file was large, I uploaded the video on Youtube. Here’s the link

Feeding back the responses resulted in confusing, humorous, complimentary, sensible, serious, random and creepy dialogues. One can observe the evie bots being confused about their gender and making assumptions. Then, you can see them making a joke about having a brain disease without having a brain. You see them talk about calling each other nice one second and being rude the next. From serious conversations of being a machine with the avatar of a human to a random comment about being asexual, we can all agree that Evie bot was creepy(she agreed as well).

What we got to learn from this is that feedback results in lack of control where the conversation loses its meaning occasionally and thus, doesn’t replicate a real conversation. However, the conversation is really unique and goes on to show the kind of programming underlying the Evie bot.

Here is the link to the Evie bot if you want to have a chat with her-
