atunnard – assignment 4: playable poly amplitude filter

this spectral system is a playable, midi-controlled, polyphonic amplitude filter using poly~ and pfft~ in max/msp. each ‘note’ played on the keyboard plays a different slice of the overall amplitude of a sample. the ‘high notes’ are low amplitude sounds of a sample, and the ‘low notes’ are high amplitude sounds. the first sample is an orchestra warming up, looped, and with different amplitude ranges selected with the poly midi keyboard. the second is an excerpt of an old morley grey song, with the same process.

do note: this delightful max tutorial is what allowed me to implement the dual pfft~ greater than/less than amplitude filtration. to this base patch, i added the midi keyboard control and the poly implementation of the amplitude filter, which allows for extremely quirky, layered filtration. the below sounds are cool, but using this patch ‘live’ is the real benefit of it, i’d say.

google drive link