eludwick – Assignment 4 – Beep/Boop in the Machine

For this assignment I chose to use spectral processing to analyze incoming audio and have it convert and output into a sine wave. The patch is pretty straight-forward: audio comes goes through the pfft to analyze the frequency which then goes through a combination of objects that is able to turn the frequency into an integer. It then is converted into MIDI data that is scaled one time to get the generated number into a normal MIDI range, then a second time to generate new frequencies for the cycle~ object.

The combination of objects I used to convert the frequency into integers was found in the forums. I will attach a link to the thread. The exact post is near the bottom and was posted by Jean-Francois Charles. I only used part of the patch and also colored the parts I used in blue. The audio I used to generate everything is the “Anton” file that can be found in the Max audio tab.

