Wall Brite

Wall Brite

The Wall Brite is an awesome adaptation of the traditional Light Brite System.  You can create your own colorful world in the dark with the Wall Brite!

This toy uses the basic principles of light and matter interaction to create beautiful color patterns that will light up any room!

How it Works

The Wall Brite is as simple as Plug and Play!  After mounting your system on a wall or underneath the top bunk of a bunk bed, simply plug it in and get to work! The Wall Brite comes with hundreds of different colored opaque pegs that you can use to make patters by pushing them into the holes that are all across the Wall Brite.   The colorful pegs will shine brilliantly with light ad the design or direction of what comes next is up to you!


The Wall bright cost only a few dollars to create because the backing is made from basic plastic, there is a felt covering on the front to block the light, there are standard light bulbs on the inside, and the pegs are all made out of colored, translucent plastic.  The Wall Brite is fairly durable and should last a few years as long as the bulbs are replaced periodically. Safety is a concern for small children because the pegs can be easily ingested.  This toy is intended for children 8-13.